Sunday, August 25, 2013

Guess The Bigger Portion In Bee Gaik

Bee Gaik is one of our favourite dining place, I like the food portions there, they don't come out in "gigantic" portions unless we request for it.   The other day when we went for dinner, we ordered these few dishes and we requested a BIG portion of one certain dish which we all love....

Guess which dish that we ordered for Big instead of normal...
Is it Kerabu Mango?
Claypot chicken?
Joo Hu Char.... a famous Hokkien dish or is it Cantonese?
(Shredded sengkuang wrappd with lettuce leaves)
I think it is a Hokkien dish since the name is in Hokkien...
I heard that the sengkuang taste better when cut by knife instead of shred...
Why is it so?  Any explanation?
And lastly, we ordered Crispy Fried Squids...
My kids enjoyed this Peranakan restaurant  very much...

So can you guess which dish we requested for Bigger Portion?
A small token will be given away for the correct answer
which will be picked by tomorrow night... :)

*Another Just For Fun Guess-away *


  1. crispy fried squids

  2. Pretty sure of that because you'd once mentioned in your previous post.
    Crispy Fried Squids is the answer.

  3. My wild guess will be Joo Hu Char. Usually, we don't get enough to eat when is wrapped with lettuce. Really appetizing - crunchy and sweet juicy sengkuang.

  4. Yes, cut/chop the sengkuang in julienne strips thinly with knife is taste more crunchy and juicy than shred. But it takes more time.

  5. Hmm... i thought most people at my age wouldn't know how to appreciate peranakan dishes, good to know that your sons do :)

  6. My guess is crispy fried squid too.

  7. Nice food. Ermm, your two prince only and princess not tagging along. My wild guess is ju hu char.

  8. I love guessing games, and I will say Claypot Chicken, but I will likely not be right twice in a row!

  9. Brencia: thanks for coming..

    Pam: did I? :)

  10. angeline: thanks for guessing...

    ken: how come? they are equally great!!

  11. chris: Bee Gaik.. Ipoh Garden South..

    mun: I will accumulate all the right answers tonight.. :)

  12. irene: wild guess? :)

    ginny: never mind.. just a guess.. never know.. :)

  13. I love peranakan/nyonya food. My guess...the squids!

  14. Love nyonya food. How come no dessert, Claire?

    If me..I would want to fried squid to be as much as possible..heheh

  15. stp: hmmmm....

    ling: not in this Bee Gaik.. come to think of it, I also couldnt remember any desserts later in the night..

  16. I am always a big fan of Peranakan Food. I love them like crazy. Your food photos made me drool of course!

  17. definitely the crispy fried squids, who could say no to that!!!!

  18. TM: no guessing?

    ykristen: Most of you go for the fried squids...hmmmm

  19. I've been looking at the photos and comparing the relative sizes from the other visible items that can be used as a benchmark and my answer will be:

    Joo Hu Char

    Also coz you photographed it twice instead of once and you wrote about it in more detail. Haha!

    I can see the kerabu mango plate in the background and it seems much larger than that too.

    Where is this place Reana?

  20. Hb, this is Bee Gaik restaurant in Ipoh Garden South... Nice guess... Will reveal in tonight's post...

  21. definitely the fried sengkuang.
    my kids love it too and coincidentally I fried it for lunch today.

  22. Okay we shall look for you when we go to Ipoh! :D

  23. wenn: hey, how come didnt comment earlier.. oh yeah.. working, right!

    HB: OK!! :)

  24. I did read slowly at that time. Just that the plate of Ju Hu Char in the photo does not look like a big portion to me, hahaha! :D


Thank you, readers!

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