Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Night Of Speech, Acting and Singing

The Trainers wanted two MC-s (Master of Ceremony) for the night function, one male and female.  They draw lots.... and out of 40 over participants, I got Picked!!  Oh gosh!  How come I never get prizes during Lucky Draws but when it comes to MC, I got it??   I tried to wiggle my way out of it by "negotiating" with the trainers but to no avail... LOL....

Leaving with no choice, I skipped a program and hid myself in the hotel room
and did all the essay writing for the night's programs... in Malay language... 
I was practically "blank" and wanted to call up my girl to give me some tips.. LOL..
But thanks to my iPad, I managed to find some "Kata-kata aluan...."
There was no printer and I had to write word by word... 
That shows how "efficient" my malay language is... LOL... 
Then the night began...  Dinner first...
 My roommate kept smiling away... no tension ma....
 While mine is just this!  No appetite at all...
Then the Night began...
I wonder who took this picture!
Just look at my mouth... hahahaaa....
My group had to do a short sketch..... Hari Raya Home Coming...
By then I was "warm-up" already... and I rendered a song... *hehehee* 

The night has just begun..  my appetite came back...
And I Nearly did a duet with my colleague!
Too bad I don't know how to sing a Duet Malay song...
Anyway, we had fun that night...
 Let our "hair" down,  so...  the saying goes...


  1. Well, at least you can still write out the entire speech right? It would be a goner for me since its in malay >_<"

  2. wow, at least you did it!! bravo, and i think you did it well right?? at least you seem to enjoy that a lot, so high and "warmed up" till want to sing already~~ :D

  3. ken: me too.. i had to depend on Mr. Internet for some help! Pantun and all that...

    sk: hahaha.. right or not, lantak la..

  4. Hello Claire, you look very pretty in your red dress. You are really good - taking your role seriously and prepare thoroughly for the event as the MC. Well done!

  5. I know it made you nervous, and unexpected work, but I know you did a great job!!! And you are so beautiful in these pictures!!!

  6. So what song did you sing? You gave a speech? Wahhhhh!!!! Big boss lah you!!!

  7. Kan I say you can. You don't look nervous at all. Sorry to hear that tension till no appetite but glad you have appetite in the end. Like your beautiful red lace dress.

  8. mun: prepared yes.. well done or not, that is another issue.. hahaha.. anyway, thanks!

    ginny: thank you for boosting up my confidence! hahaha...

  9. stp: not big boss! I couldn't wriggle out of it.. no choice la! hahaha...

    irene: thank you.. I was nervous before it started.. once it started going, i forgot the nerves.. hahaa..

  10. I don't mind being a mc in English. In Malay I would be a 'goner'.

  11. sharon: yes...

    wenn: exactly...that is why i need to write word by word.. :)

  12. I doubt I still can write a speech using BM.

    Looks good Claire in the red dress.

  13. Doing MC in BM, I faint even before starting...you did a good job, congrats!

  14. From the way you blog, I can imagine that you are a very brave and adventurous lady who will not hesitate to climb mountains to reach your goals! You made it!!!!

    Hey you looked like a shy teenager standing on the stage! Muahahaha

  15. Next time you'll be picked for a grand price. Don't worry.

  16. agnes: not sure good job or not.. but it certainly made me nervous...

    TM: not shy.. nervous!! hahaha..

    willie: I am "tickled!" hahaha...

  17. well even though i hate writing and my hand writing sucks i like doing essay on that method,
    by the way yummy foods and great event indeed


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...