Saturday, August 24, 2013

Simply The Best As In Tina Turner

A round up of the Teambuilding course. This is one course I enjoyed myself tremendously compared to the other courses I went before. Something not too dangerous and adventurous and no "studying", I am all IN! LOL... I have been to courses that lasted through the night till 11pm, sitting at the same place and listening to the lecturer talking in monotones and myself "drifting" out of dreamland on and off... That is called boredom. But the previous week in Kampar, it was a memorable course....
In the morning, when the moon is at its set...
Can even see the mist looming before the mountains...
Morning Stretching exercises...
arrrghhh... I couldn't do this.... 
At the field... another project....
I nearly got "sunburnt" but I didn't mind at all...
Another project..."F1"
End of program ....
And our group got 5th out of 5 groups... hahahahaa....
Nevertheless we remained Cheerful and Strong... 


  1. Congrats. Ya...some courses are such a drag, presenters are as dead as a door nail - probably too much studying for their string of degrees has led to permanent head damage (PhD)...but during my time, I always enjoyed the company, had great fun with my friends. Loved going for courses!

  2. Congratz. Counting from the back your team is still No.1, boleh tahan, hehehe!!!...This time the course seem more enjoyable.

  3. stp: oh you love going? I dread.. hahaha...

    irene: hahahaa... i thought you misread my post! yeah, counting from back... hahaha..

  4. I am so glad for you, Claire, that this one was fun. I remember others that you posted, they did look boring and also hard. I say...if you want to build a strong team, let them all have fun memories to share!

  5. Wah, in the last photo, all of you really semangat!

  6. Hi Claire. I hope it is not too late and you will get this message, I will repeat it on your next post. Thank you SO much for the gift, you are so generous!!! Especially sending all the way to the states. I got your e-mail, but my e-mail server is down and I cannot send any mail! My internet provider is working on it. BUT yes you are right, you have my correct address.

  7. That kind of courses is interesting.
    Lots of activities rather than just listen to lectures.

  8. Ginny: yes, as long as no studying, it is great fun!

    Mun: make the most out of it...haha

  9. you seems to be enjoying the day huh
    well i could imagine how fun to do all those stuffs

  10. chris, yes... near the UTAR...

  11. What a lovely event to motivate everyone!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...