Sunday, August 18, 2013

Teambuilding Course In Grand Kampar Hotel

Went for a Teambuilding course held in Grand Kampar Hotel... it was a three days course starting on Friday evening and ended on Sunday afternoon... now I am back home.... Phew, what a relief! Still very tired but then thinking back, this course is full of fun and laughter. No boring lessons till late night like those usual courses I went to last time.

My Only worry about this Teambuilding course is the Water Adventure, I was so worried that EVERYONE have to go for river rafting... thank goodness there was no River Rafting.....

Reached and checked into the Grand Kampar Hotel around 5pm....
Grand Kampar Hotel....
Not bad leh... the room is very spacious...
and the bed looks so "welcoming" that I just wanted to jump in and sleep!  :p
Will be sharing this big bed with my colleague...
Quiet during the day... 
More Happening at night because UTAR and KTAR are nearby....
Around the vicinity of the hotel....
Lots of parking space...
Just opposite the hotel....
Lots of food outlets...
The very next morning, we got up at 6.30am and 
started some "shedding off pounds" exercise....
(Six meals were served each day!)
Saturday 17/8
Sunday 18/8...  No difference, right?  Phew.....
Me and my "room-mate".... 
Looking at this picture, 
I think both of us became rounder after the 6 meals per day course... hahahaa....


  1. Gosh!!!..6 meals per day. This is what I called Kursus minum dan makan. Good for those with big tangki. That's your car? Beautiful. Both having the same trademark sign.

  2. Irene, surely not my car though I wish it is.. hahaha...

  3. wow, what a quiet place, you should make it 10 meals per day by checking out those food eateries opposite the hotel, hahahaha :P

  4. I love attending courses when I was still teaching. A getaway from the tedious work in school.

  5. what a lovely place that is for team building, i wish our future team buildings will be as great as that is

  6. what a lovely place that is for team building, i wish our future team buildings will be as great as that is

  7. Ooooo...what a nice hotel!!! In Ipoh or in Kampar?

  8. hahaha, teambuilding or bodybuilding?? 6 meals a day and also such a nice comfy room?? not bad huh~~ :p

  9. ken: i wish i could .. if only there were more than 24 hours! :)

    wenn: actually if given a choice, I would like to avoid.. hahahaa...

  10. mecoy: I agree with you, indeed this is a nice place...

    STP: In Kampar, a 45 minutes drive away from Ipoh...

    sk: actually really not bad.. nothing to complain about.. :)

  11. Wah, the Grand hotel really looks grand. 6 meals a day! That's a lot! I guess you are glad the course is finally over despite those meals provided.

  12. 6 meals per day?!! They wanna build up your team or fatten you up aka Hansel n Gratel sytle? Haha..

  13. So...a teambuilding that has a beautiful luxury hotel and six meals a day, sounds more like a fancy vacation!! And all those eating stalls right across from you, too good to be true!

  14. Mun: u understand me very well.... Hahaha

    Merryn; something like that? :p

  15. ShAron: nice, right? Hahaha

    Ginny: not too bad yes!

    Cleff: more suitable for you...hahahha

  16. How to swallow 6 meals a day, Claire? It reminded me of our Sibu trip..ahahah

  17. Oh, you don't like water activities?

  18. ling: eat, play, eat again.. hahaha..

    hayley: no, havent overcome water phobia yet! :)

  19. wow kampar got such a big hotel? thats surprising! ahha

  20. My wife is from Kampar and I am so familiar with this sleepy town now. It is good for retirement but property prices are shooting up fast along its main road now.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...