Monday, August 12, 2013

The Queen And Her Triples

Busy days for the past week or so, no time to update my blog on events that take place every now and then... Now as the four days of holidays had ended, it is back to normal routine more or less... In juggling between the hospital and going here and there every now and then, I was truly exhausted... *breathe*

I was planning to cook a good meal for my kids before they went back to their respective "places" but due to my "exhaustion" and the "live badminton" yesterday, I dedicated the Cooking to my three kids... "Mom is totally washed out, can you all take over?"   No one dare to say NO... hahahaa.....

After giving some tips on how and what to cook, I left them in the kitchen and concentrate on the live badminton on TV..... and forgot all about them till some nice aroma attacked my nose and I couldn't resist not going to the kitchen to "get a piece or two..."  *steal eat*

So what did my Three Kids come up with? 
The strong aroma came from the SPAM luncheon meat....
Very plain looking cos no more eggs in my fridge 
And the strips of meat were cut by one of the Triple... (New Look!)
Plain or not, a few went into my mouth... *hmmmm*
Quickly took a picture of these two in action....
Another plain looking dish but nevertheless tasty too!
Too bad no more eggs in my fridge...  *sigh*
Oh, saw this dish already on the table...
I questioned why the edge of the fish were "disturbed"... 
And they told me the reason and I really laughed out loud...
The last dish... ahh... this one had some abalone as toppings.... *don't play play*
The presentation is awful but the taste was awesome.. *seriously*
(But will be greatly embarrassed if guests are in the house!)
The four dishes prepared by My Triples...  
I only did the soup earlier in the day...
so that my mom could have some for her lunch...
I put in pumpkin, tomatoes, big onions and carrots and NO meat...
Well, that was our 5 o'clock meal yesterday....
A very fruitful and effort-ful meal... *grin*
Lastly and not least... the most dreadful part after the meal...
The Washing Up!
After taking this picture, I slowly walked away....
Back to my potato couch in front of the TV!  
*Lazy Mom On A Lazy Sunday*


  1. Looks doesn't matter as long as it tastes good. Bravo to the 3 chefs. They did a good job which includes the most dreadful part. So you just sit back, relax and enjoy watching your favourite badminton. That's is life!!!!!.

  2. Wahhhhhh!!!! Abalone!!!! Worth its weight in gold! So hor mia. you! Must be the Singapore son buying that for you and the SPAM also. *jeles*

    Wah!!! The other one, the body shape like mine now - better get him to go to the gym!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  3. irene: Now is our turn to relax and be served, right? hahahaa...

    stp: I better let him read this so that he knows what to do.. either be like Uncle Arthur or go gym!! hahahaa...

  4. rachel: shook already.. today back to work.. hahaha..

  5. I'm sure taste and presentation don't matter right now, hehehe

  6. So foong foo leh abalone sone more

  7. fuyoh, not bad at all what your triplets have cooked for you mah.. it's not the taste, but i think the "sweetness" that went straight into your heart right?? actually i think they did very delicious dishes woh, at least i may not be able to cook that fish and veggie~~ :D

  8. Wow! You got a sexy shirtless chef in the kitchen with surprises! LOL.
    I would love to eat the friend luncheon meat sticks! I never thought of eating them like that. So clever!!

  9. ken: they dont count in our home.. hahaa..

    kathy: CNY one.. must eat before it turns bad.. :)

  10. sk: Still learning... just like me.. :)

    TM: me too.. I never thought that they were cut like "french fries!" hahaa...

  11. everything seems perfect most specially those fishes

  12. sharon: Me too!! :)

    mecoy: thank you!

  13. Your 3 children are just so great to cook this meal that tastes good too. I would like to eat the fish. Actually what happened to the "disturbed" sides?

  14. Home cooked food is always the best!!

    Yea I also curious to know what happened to the fish, haha xD

  15. mun: those are for testing.. my girl was not sure the fish are cooked or not.. :)

    hayley: testing, testing...

  16. Comfort food! And its so sweet of your kids:D

    Definitely will not need meat in the soup you made. Its so naturally flavourful and sweet.

  17. So many different dishes from your kids!!! They really did a good job and cook variety! And even washed up, you have trained them right! How is your mom?

  18. missy: will try to cut down meat.. :)

    ginny: My mom is recuperating at home now.. thanks!

  19. I still have to wait many more years for my girls to cook for me..I only just taught my eldest how pancake is cooked during Raya holiday.

    your triples joined efforts to cook..that's very sweet of them..

  20. Oo..that's so nice of the kids.

    Mom can goyang kaki and LCW playing badminton.hahaha

  21. I can't wait for my girls to cook for me...

  22. OMG, did I see abalones?? Gosh, you've got my luncheon meat & abalone covered! They'll be gone in seconds with me around. Lol!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...