Saturday, September 14, 2013

Guess-away Prize For My Blunder

Halfway to the airport, I realized that I have forgotten to bring an important item with me.... For a moment I was in total shock... How?  I have two options... either forego it or turn back... I opted for the latter... Don't like to trouble others and at the same time, It might take some time to turn back and I might be late for boarding...

So careless of me!  How forgetful I am... But as I wait here, I should have turned back and get it from the house....

Well, my fault... Now I have to live without it temporarily...

Can you guess what that is?   Three small tokens for the three correct answers picked.... Valid till 15th midnight... Hahahaha.... Please join in for fun!


  1. I suppose it's your phone charger..

  2. oxygen...but then again....oxygen cannot be use there right? hmm...maybe ipad, phone or charger

  3. Carry on guessing... This sk very smart... All of the above also can ah? Hahaha....

  4. Oh sorry..not sk... Its bananazzzz... He is a joker.. Old flower glasses... Lol

  5. Lena: she will take a cab if I did...haha

    Ken: aiyah!

  6. maybe your lipstick? as it's very important too right?

  7. so many possibility and can i guess a few at a go?? hahaha.. just for the sake of joining the fun lah..

    - camera??
    - mobile phone??
    - charger??

  8. Your handphone. Cannot be your ipad as you're still on Facebook... Hehehehehe!!!!

  9. So far.... Only a few got it correct.....

  10. Hooiiiii!!! Why no answer yet aahh?? I still think it is your mobile phone!!!

  11. HOIii... TM... testing your patience la!!


Thank you, readers!

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