Monday, September 30, 2013

The Nine Of Never In East Ocean Restaurant, Ipoh

Due to the Old Michaelian's Association night held on two days ago, a few of my old schoolmates came back from afar to attend the dinner.  Taking this opportunity to meet up with them, we put a message in Facebook "calling" out to the old Convent Girls of 1977 for a Sunday lunch.  I saw many "LIKES" on the FB message but none called up to confirm yet... LOL...

But come Sunday morning, we received messages, some were coming and some couldn't make it.. well, it was Sunday and this day is supposed to be a family day.... so it wasn't surprising when only nine of us could make it to this lunch gathering.... Well, nine or ninety, it turned out to be a very "refreshing" time for us, some of us had not seen each other for more than 36 years!!  Oh My!!  (Please don't do some mental calculation here... hahahaaa...)

Our lunch gathering was held in East Ocean Restaurant and to make it easy, we just ordered the SET from the menu costing around RM368++ ...  Ladies being ladies, food was abundance... and the first dish was kind of special...
A "BOMB" Dish...
Needs some cutting up... as usual... 
And here it is after the "dissecting"
The top part of the covering is crispy and inside is soft and sweet..
Eaten with the wobbly pork ribs was kind of "sensational"..
 Next is the "Woo Soe Kai"
 Well, if only I could eat with the skin... but alas, I should not....
 Followed by Fish Fillets with buttery sweetened cream... 
and toppings with some peanuts...
I like this!
Next is the Marinated Prawns with "unspicy" curry...
We requested this dish to be less spicy... 
 To fill up the extra space in our stomach, the claypot rice was served...
Lots of yummy yam and chinese sausages....
Yau Mei Farn aka Fragrance rice pot...
 Eaten with "Caring Mothers/Ladies dish"
Well, that's the direct translation from the menu... hahahaa....
It is cooked with bittergourd, salted vegetable with shredded chicken...
 and of course some greens to balance up the whole meal.....

A special guest joined us for a mere ten minutes or so.... 
The Perfect Nine! 
I was thinking all the time there were 10 of us...
and the bill was divided by 10 instead of 9...
Sorry, YP.. we have shortchanged you...
Please Forgive my "blunder-ness!"


  1. Nice meet up especially those whom we have not met/seen for ages. Wow, look at all the awesome food. Makes me drool. Nice pix of the 9 beauties and this time only one has your signature sign.

  2. time can bring me here ah?

  3. The chicken looks nice, not hard to to do the math, 36+17? haha

  4. Irene: thank you...thank you

    Kathy: must stay two nights!

    Ken: aiyah... Bocor rahsia...

  5. Woo Soe Kai? meaning 'bearded chicken? The yellow chicken reminds of the latest news about some bad biz man 'painting' the normal chicken yellow to sell them as 'choi yuen kai'. Bad and cruel people can only think of cheating.

  6. wow!! very nice dishes!! and you were in the class of 1977?? hehehe, that was the year i was born, oopss!! i told you my age dei.. :p

    wei, Food Mayor of Ipoh.. those food are really really very nice lor, make me drooling aje~~

  7. Must be very nice to meet up again after so many years.

  8. Reana, I was from Convent too!! Why wasn't I invited?? How fun to meet up with old friends.......

  9. wow, nine turned up. That's not bad at all! But can you remember all of them?

  10. OMG, the bomb dish looks yummy~~

  11. The dishes all look spectacular!! Especially the bomb. And all of you look almost like school kids!!

  12. bananaz: yes, i heard of it but i hope this one isnt..or wasnt.. inside stomach liow!!

    sk: then u must come to Ipoh to savor them!! :)

  13. mun: yes, more than 3 decades! hahaa...

    shirley: then you must organize one in Singapore!! hahaha..

  14. wenn: can remember names but didn't see a couple of them for many years!

    hayley: yes, it was quite nice!

  15. ginny: thanks for the compliment.. hahaha..

    stp: well.. well... so how??? hahhaa...

  16. I wanna eat that bomb bun. ;)

    Nice pics.

  17. rose: thanks...

    sharon: yes... when? :)

  18. You are a good blogger who writes very cheerful and happy tones! I like!

    Bomb Dish! Muahahahahaha

  19. TM, I think all of us are good bloggers!!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...