Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dancing Queen, We Can Dance! We Can Jive!

It was a time of renewed friendship and bonding with one another... friends whom we have not seen for a long long time now.  Thanks to our "organiser" who gathered us together for the meet up.  This gathering was held in Kok Thai Restaurant and due to "busyness", I did not manage to capture the food... They are more or less the same as I have put up a number of posts from this restaurant...
One for the album... to remember us by..
Wonder when will be our next meet-up again... it might take yearsssss!
Someone suggested going to a Fun Session after our dinner..
Come to think of it, I think that was me who suggested that.. 
So here we are.... having a time of our lives...
Things we didn't do many years ago, we did all that at one go on that evening!!
Even my signature trade mark was not left out.... hahahaa...
We were given 4 microphones...
For 10 persons, the bill was around RM350..
7 jugs of drinks and 2 bottles of champagne sparking juice
and 7 types of snacks which were hardly touched...
A night of fun and laughter.... 
We felt like we were 17 again.... 
Dancing and jiving together......

We are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
We can dance, We can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen


  1. That's Beauty & the Beast on the tv screen. No video clip of you singing to share?

  2. Should ask someone to video u sing n upload to share with us...

  3. Forever young. Back to your young days.Guess you are singing your heart out. How many songs you sing?

  4. Prices are reasonable i guess hehe, but does everyone sing? The last time we went (classmates), i didn't sing at all, too shy to sing :p

  5. Stp: yes u r right! U terror la.... Got clip but dont know how to upload...

    Sharon: got... Wait for son first..

  6. Irene: uncountable... Endless...

    Ken: once u start, u dont want it to end... Haha

  7. wow wow wow!! all the YOUNG girls gathering together and having fun!! how great to be able to bring everyone together and have such a nice gathering huh?? makan and karaoke, surely make one feels younger~~ :)

  8. It's fun to get together dance and sing till it's time to say goodbye..

  9. sk: yes, felt like we were 17 only.. hahahaa..

    bananaz: dont be jeles.. hahahaa..

  10. wenn: yes, it was almost midnight..

    chris: dont play play.. hehee..

  11. What a fun nite! Good suggestion from you. Of course it is because you love to sing, right?

  12. You all look so very happy, too bad you cannot meet more often!!! We LOVE this Abba song, I hope you all danced and laughed and talked the night away.

  13. mun: exactly! oopss...

    ginny: by the time we went home, my voicebox gone.. hahaha..

  14. Looks like a great night of fun! Too bad no video of you singing the Beauty and the Beast song! :)

  15. Karaoke! Yes!

    I used to go karaoke a lot during my single days. All kaki karaoke. Miss the good old time with my friends. Lol.

  16. Waaaah! So lau juak! All the pretty divas crooning all their blues away! The bill is worth it!!

  17. rose: me too.. anytime karaoke and i will go...

    TM: hahaa..once a blue moon only!

  18. OMG i Luv karaoke too ahah..you such have fun with u old fren.. what a great nite ^_^


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...