Friday, November 8, 2013

Baking And Blending Demonstration

A real demonstration in my office canteen during lunch time!

I wouldn't want to give it a miss when I heard about it.  Initially I did not know what products they were going to demonstrate, all I know that there would be some baking and some healthy organic stuff..... that attracted me enough!  hahahaaa....

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 Ok, here is the demo...
Yes, I have written correctly... 
she put in a few strands of raw tapioca leaves and an green apple...
add in lots of ice cubes and brown sugar....
 then.... blend blend blend....few minutes...
 and it became Ice Blend Apple Tapioca Leaves
Something like Smooth Sorbet.....
Only one dragon fruit with one "asamboi" and lots of ice cubes... 
Another smoothie...
Note that the black seeds are not visible too....
Barley, black sesame seeds, lotus seeds, pandan leaves plus water..
No residue within half hour... all hot and nice...
 She made some Kemboja cake with eggs, flour, sugar, santan and blended pandan leaves...
These took 25 minutes... the cakes surface might not turn out nice..
But the texture and the taste was not bad...
I took two pieces of these and a bit of the above..
And I am fully satisfied! 
As for the pricing, the total came RM4000 plus....
It is only RM15 a day x 365 days... 
Well... well.... 


  1. Making your own smoothies and sherbet has never been that easy! You can now share your own recipes :p

  2. wah, interesting woh, can make your own sorbet, smoothies, tong sui and even cakes!! errr, but RM4000 really have to consider three times lor.. nice to see and appreciate that demo a lot lah, but then RM4000 woh, RM15 a day for 365 days woh, that RM15 can buy a lot of ice cream and sorbet already woh..

  3. I can do without...quite happily. Did you buy? My missus would - she has very low sales resistance. Doesn't mean that she is going to use it though. Hehehehehehehe!!!

  4. For the price I have to think hard first. Not that I am going to make smoothies everyday, maybe once in a blue moon, hahaha. No point buy and keep

  5. Won't buy as i don't use it often and also for the price, think twice...

  6. ken: i didnt buy them.. :)

    sk: you got a point there!! hahaha..

  7. hayley: 3 products.. for new home makers, then ok lar..

    stp: no, i dont need them at the moment.. hahaha..

  8. irene: i agree with you... i m also lazy.. :)

    sharon: i will think many times.. a bit pricey but for those who have nothing in the kitchen, maybe can think... :)

  9. I prefer to just eat the fruits and vege rather than blend them unless I am very old with no teeth.

  10. Mun: me need to wash blender...

  11. Wah! I can eat many meals of desserts for RM4000!!!!!!

  12. TM: abalone.. scallops... and all kinds of delicacies!


Thank you, readers!

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