Saturday, November 9, 2013

Penang Pepper Biscuits

It has been a long-long time since I last ate these...  PEPPER BISCUITS!
Ingredients are flour, pepper, sugar, groundnuts, margarine, sesame, red beancurd = YUMMY SNACKS!
Coming to think of it, I have not been to Penang for quite a while now.  These Pepper biscuits are being sold at Ng Kee Cake Shop in Cintra Street, Penang, very narrow lane especially when there are cars parked on both sides of the road.  I remember the last time I bought these biscuits, they were packed in a box and cost around RM4.50 each.  

But now with such a nice packing, my friend told me that it cost RM8.00 now!  Well, I guess it is not surprising to us anymore, everything seems to be increasing these days..... but then, when food is concerned, it does not matter to pay a bit more to taste them and to "snack" them especially when one is blogging the night away.....

Four pieces for me is good enough... 
Cannot eat too much at one go!  
They taste spicy a bit due to the pepper...
And they are so "NIB-ABLE!"
Yes, I nibbled and nibbled.... Full Stop!
One word of advice:  Take a few pieces out and quickly keep the rest in a SAFE place.. otherwise the whole packet will be finished at one go and might wake up to a painful throat the next day!  No Joke...  LOL... 


  1. Wow so expensive, it's the packaging la, i'll bring you to a place where you can find cheaper but better ones :D

  2. I prefer Kampar chicken biscuit. Hint! Hint! LOL!!!

  3. Ken: DEAL!!! Thank you!!

    stp: I also like Kompia biscuits.. Hint! Hint! hahahhaaa....

  4. I think I have eaten these biscuits a long time ago. Now teeth is not strong so cannot eat these type of hard biscuits.

  5. Very addictive snack. My old time favourite. I prefer the smaller type, size of 50 cents coin.

  6. Loves this, quite sometimes didn't eat it liao...

  7. i always do not know what this type of biscuit is called, haha.. errr, pepper biscuit?? or "nam yu" biscuit?? but i don't really fancy this if compared with the "ling koo" biscuit (which people usually called the "ear biscuit", hahaha)~~

  8. Mun: these are not hard but crispy... If i can bite, then anybody can... Haha

    Irene: the small ones are very hard and thick, right?

  9. Irene, then I must try next time! Hope still got strong teeth en...hahaha.

  10. Great words of advice!! Haha xD

    I think I've seen this biscuits before la!

  11. I never seen such biscuits before. Looks very nice o. :D

  12. Not too bad I guess. For RM4.5. The packaging is good. Presentable. Can be bought as gifts. :)

  13. duno why but I didnt like to eat this biscuit since young. Maybe coz of the spices.

  14. Luckily I am not into this bisket..eheh. I thought the spices is kind of overpowering.

  15. I was from Penang and have forgotten about this pepper biscuit!! i love them and thanks for reminding me.

  16. hayley: do you like them? I cannot take much.. very heaty....

    tekkaus: RM8 la.. now new price.. :)

  17. kathy: then I am more wai sik than you.. hehehe...

    ling: this one is very nice.. something different...

    TM: next time you know what to buy, ya!


Thank you, readers!

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