Thursday, January 9, 2014

Archery And Monkey Business

Time to cool down our bodies after the Walk downhill.  It felt great to be walking on flat ground, I realized my knees are not that "normal" anymore when walking down the hill.  It must be the pressure on my knees caused by the steep steps on certain parts.  I guess I need some "booster dose" to strengthen my kneecaps.... oh well....

Coming back to the Youth Park, I am surprised that it was indeed very well maintained by the municipal.... Even the resthouse was pleasant looking, if you know what I mean...
Clean and tidy....
I was surprised that there is an Archery club there too... 
Mostly are young adults....
As we walked along, there was some bustling above us....
Oh yes... monkeys everywhere....
Quite worrying too... 
well, I guess it is advisable not to hold any food in our hands...
Saw something interesting here.....
Come....let's have a game of chess before we leave!
Yes, we were dead thirsty.... and this is a very welcoming sight!
We ended our evening stroll after refreshing our thirst with a fresh young coconut...
Phew.... what an interesting evening..... 


  1. Interesting place. Luckily you didn't use skirt otherwise the monkeys will simply pull up your skirt. Hate them.

    1. oh really? I never thought they would pull skirts...

  2. Monkey business and a big chess board. .it feels like wonderland to me. :)

  3. Wah... haven't been there for at least 5 years LOL

  4. this is indeed a very nice park and also very well maintained.. ah, in Penang under the PKR ruling right?? the huge chess looks interesting, do anyone actually play with that??

    1. DAP ruling la... Selangor is PKR.. right? I think can play with those one... they are rubberized

  5. I have been to youth park 20 years ago and I don't think it looks as nice as this. Must go again. Thank you for sharing this, if not, I won't know it is so nice now.

    1. Mun, no problem... I understand... as locals, we normally dont visit the parks... we go for other cities' parks.. hahaha..

  6. wow, it would be real interesting if we could move the pieces on the chess floor.

    1. You can move them actually.. they are made from rubber... I think.. not heavy..

  7. Great place! A Chinese sinseh in KK once told me - it is not going up Mt Kinabalu that was the problem, it was coming down...and coming down too fast - all the knees would be gone!!!

    1. STP, yes lor.. last time coming downhill no problem one... nowadays must come down step by step and slow slow too!

  8. Next round you come SG, go MacRitchie HSBC Treetop, keke...

  9. when you say monkeying business really monkey wor :p

  10. Nice place to exercise but with the wild monkeys running loose is a bit scary..

    1. Yeah, if not too careful... scared of being bitten too..

  11. The monkey numbers are growing and some restaurants kidnapped them for their cooking pots!

  12. I laughed at the word "Youth Park" today as it is not a suitable place for you and me anymore!!

    1. No wonder my bones ached la ... no more youth, is it???

    2. Of course we are getting older! We should visit Veteran's Park.

  13. Never try archery before, heard that arms will be painful after playing, hehe~


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...