Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello Penang!

I really cannot find my camera here in Ipoh... I am going to make a trip back to Penang to look for it... Such a pity to lose it, I hope I can be able to retrace where I last left it. Sigh... it is impossible to find it again, no doubt about that. It is just too bad, I have myself to blame, due to my short memory, I cannot remember where I last placed it. There are many pictures inside the camera, such sentimental ones too... sigh...

 Anyway, I am back here in Penang... I will comfort myself with lots of food stuff again! This time I am going to use my old faithful iPhone 3 to take the pictures....
My driver and Penang Bridge....
Food galore time...
Koay Teow Tng in Sungai Nibong....
This one is Fried Chee Cheong Fun...
I still prefer the normal Fried Koay Teow...
Going for a JOG!!


  1. Fried Chee Cheong Fun, never tried fried before, but looking at the picture, i still prefer the normal Chee Cheong Fun, hehe....

  2. Har ? How to retrace when it's lost ? Buy a new one la.

  3. wow wow wow, PENANG AGAIN!!! so it's MAKAN TIME~~ :D
    errr, so did you find your camera?? or you "found" a new one with some extra cash?? :p

  4. oh dear..once lost it's difficult to find it back. Unless some good samaritan found it and return it to the owner..
    anyway, enjoy your time in Penang.

    1. An impossible mission .... saja come to makan only.. :)

  5. Aiya just move here la, buy a house here LOL! I don't like the KTT at Sg Nibong... too porky for me and that aunty quite lansi :/

    1. oh is it? My son often goes there for lunch... I must ask him whether auntie berlagak or not... hahaha..

  6. In Penang again? You go there so often you might as well move there...or you've got a second house there for Andy? So rich. Wink! Wink!

    1. You and Ken think alike! Hope to get a second house ... I must pray for one... :)

  7. Wow, superewoman, back to Penang again. No doubt, you got a personal driver. KTT looks good.

    1. Good enough for me... yes, it tastes not bad...

  8. I am so jealous that you visit Penang so often. I never heard of fried chee Cheong fun. I know it is actually called Fried Hor Fun and both look the same.

    On other matters: I think you got confused with Chengdu & Chengde in my blog. I replied your comments.

    Happy Weekend to you.

    1. Oh, Chengdu and Chengde different? hahahaa... ok, ok, thanks for pointing it out... memang lau liow...

  9. Hello Claire,

    Wow, it is so nice to be able to go to Penang as often as you do. The bun with fried egg looks tasty - are there actually 4 buns there?

    I have a soft spot for rolled chee cheong fun. I think I have eaten stir fried rolled chee cheong fun in KL before and it is quite like char koay teow except that they substitute rolled chee cheong fuun with koay teow..

    1. The taste is not the same... not so used to eating fried CCF... :)

  10. Oh dear! Sorry for your lost!

    Penang is famous for its char kuaw tiaw! Been to Penang once, by bus from KL.

    1. What to do... very careless and forgetful... nowadays.

  11. Sure it's lost in Penang? Maybe it's in one of your plastic bag? Can call the hotel ask check their lost and found?

    1. No la... hotel none leh... must be at the makan stalls... dropped or what...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...