Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mystery Of Missing Camera And Penang Goodies!

I guess I started off the 2014 first day by forgetting where I put my camera... Yes, my Sony cybershot camera is missing!  My last encounter with it was last Saturday in Penang, I remember taking some pictures in Paragon Mall during the evening and that was it.....

I took some pictures with my iPad though.... a bit of here and there... 
Night scene from our hotel window...
 17th floor of our hotel window.... B-Suite Hotel as usual...
Day scene from the same angle...
 It was Sunday when we left Penang... 
but not before buying these stuff home...
 From Eaton bakery.... 
The pandan kuih with saltish beans fillings
 One box cost RM6... mini *ang-kus*
 Went to Bayan Baru to get these pastries....
 Mini sizes and they cost RM1.40 each.... very *lar lei*
The standard of living is certainly going sky high soon!
 Ghee Hiang for the Phong Piah...
 Eat while it is fresh... not too sweet, I can eat one all by myself and feeling full too..

After all said and done, I hope I will find my camera soon.... 
Where is it, I wonder..... I only realized it was missing an hour ago when I wanted to download the photos taken in Penang last weekend.  Oh dear... is my first day of 2014 going to start by losing my camera?  Or is it implying that I should get a new one for this year? 

Think positive, think positive....


  1. LOL! Never asked me out for dinner :(

  2. The angku kuih looks very yummy!

    1. Yeah, if eaten there and then, very soft and nice!

  3. Hope you'll find your camera soon!!

  4. I like to eat ang-kus, especially the one in orange color!!!

    Hope you'll find your camera!!! =]

    1. I really hope I do... so far, it didnt show up yet...

  5. Wahhhhhh!!!! Bought so many things! Dijamin sampai hari esok. Wink! Wink!

    Found your camera? Never mind, son earning big money in Singapore can get you new one, nicer one some more. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    1. STP: Wonder if son will read this... lol... big money or small money, mama's own carelessness so have to buy one herself...

  6. cheap leh.

    the camera maybe in the car kot

    1. Must use a tracer to find it.. under the seat or what... haven't looked underneath yet...

  7. hahha... so sotong! Never mind, time to get a DSLR camera already for your blog!

    1. Yeah, maybe too small hor? DSLR more giant... sure wont lose but shoulder pain only... hahahaa..

  8. Hello Claire, hope you find your camera or else you can get a new one! You can see it positively and be happy to get a new camera.

    1. I still have an old Sony... that one is still usable.. don't want to waste money buying a new one.. I am really forgetful la...

  9. Love the mini "ang ku". Camera lost??? Hope you find it soon.

  10. Maybe it's a hint that it's time to get a new camera, hehe... DSLR, hehe...

    1. It is hinting for me to use back my old Sony camera.. hahaha..

  11. uh-uh.. good and bad to start off your new year huh?? anyway, stay positive like you just said, you can get a new camera!! a brand new camera to record your life in the brand new year!! how matching, hahaha!! :D

    1. Good one here.. a brand new beginning? hahaha..

  12. Buy new camera now!!! I hope your sons heard this! Muahahahaha

    Eaton is such an old shop now. Memories came flooding back to me as i recalled them opening around late 70s or early 80s. Their kuehs got popular as the years went by and the became specialists for Full Moon boxes!

    1. They renovated the shop, now like a bakery.. last time it was just a tiny space...

  13. Should'nt have gone to Paragon now its gone gone gone woh woh...lolz. Hope you get back your camera under your car seat or whatever haha.

    1. hahaha... Para gon! Yeah.. how come I never thought of that...

  14. Oh! no Ghee for me..that name had stuck in my head since 90's when I have to beg *lucky did not go down on my knees* for one (1) miserable packet of tau sar piah. So damn tausar-ly pa pai no means no haiz...

  15. You are more like a Penang lang now instead of Ipoh mali haha...

  16. No worries Claire..Iphone always ur greatest buddies. I used that more often than my camera.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...