Monday, January 6, 2014

Penang Food Delights At Night

When I go for a "food trip", many times I wish that my metabolism level is at full gear... digesting food fast and leaving the stomach for more space for consumption. Unfortunately it is not like this anymore, at my age, I have to nibble here and there to taste varieties, no more large portions and eating like nobody's business.  I have to be careful with what I eat now, if I were to taste more, I have to cut down from full portion to half.... and half...

Here I was in Kimberley Street in the evening... wanting to try from different stalls this time...
I was there to taste the desserts in Restoran Kimberley with my kids last week...
But on Saturday we just passed it by.... 
I wanted to try different stalls...
 Walking along the street... must be careful with our bags...
Busy traffic during the day and night...
 This time I tried the mee sua lor...
Must put in some vinegar, it tastes better that way...
I would prefer the mee sua are not "broken" into small pieces like these..
 I took this instead... fried koay teow with duck eggs...
 RM6 per plate... not that cheap anymore but it tastes good!
 After our dinner, we drove to another area nearby....
Crowd was there... waiting for seats... 
Seems the Wan Ton Noodles here is very nice..
Too bad no seats were available....
 But all is not lost.... I saw Apom Stall....
 And bought RM3 for 5 pieces....
Crispy and Nice!
 Next we drove to the Free School Garden.....
Tried their curry noodles.... RM3.30
A bit sweet for me...
I prefer this as my second dinner for the night... hahahaa....
 and ended the night with a bowl of Variety Dessert!
That was my Friday night dinner... or should I say supper as well??
*suck tummy in*


  1. Ahhh.... yes Chulia Street's Wanton Mee is one of the famous Wanton Mees here in Penang.

    1. Oh is it? I should have waited for empty seats then.... ok, next time I will try.. :)

  2. Nothing that tickles my fancy, I'm afraid. Wow!!! The apom so expensive. Hers look different, uses kuali...and rolled up like newspaper, not folded into semicircle. Will eat, not crazy about those.

    1. Oh, our apom over here is like that.. folded round... three times also got... half also got... all styles!

  3. Fried kway teow with duck egg looks good. People sitting at the roadside kah?Dangerous leh.

    1. Penang is like that....that is why so many people.. sooner or later no more road side stalls...

  4. I also can't eat a lot at one go, so need to eat a little bit of each and eat more of those that I like : )

    1. Yeah, maybe as we grow wiser, we need to eat like this.. hahaha...

  5. wah, i was actually drooling when i scrolled down looking at those food!! aiyoyo, so delicious lah.. somemore someone bringing you going here and there to try the best of the best!! so "siin mou"~~

    1. No need to sin moe.. can go anytime, SK!! hahaha..

  6. I would love that kind of 'food explore' too. But too bad I don't hv the time. You are so lucky to be able to try different kinds of food over there.

    1. Next time we can go together... after all the festive seasons..

  7. With young people you get to sample some of their food and don't have to order your own since you can't eat a lot at one go now. Was the duck egg ckt very different from the chicken egg ckt?

    1. er..if you asked me.. it tastes very much the same only that the colour of the yolk is different a bit.. .

  8. Replies
    1. Indeed... plenty more.. but no space.. hahaha..

  9. OMG!!!! You brought me back to Memory Lane! I have not been there for over 20 years since I left Penang.
    That Apom lady is still there! She used botok la or apom flour on her face! Still young & supple faced.

    You eat so much and stay so slim. Can you share your secrets? I suspect you also dig your throat la like Small Kucing! Muahahahaha

    1. TM, how come you never go back to Penang???? 20 years??? wow.. that is a long long time... what happened? You must make a trip back to see your old friend... hahahaa... Auntie Apom sure misses.. you...

  10. Wow, so many different and yummy in one night, hahaha!!!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...