Monday, February 24, 2014

Gold Diggers In Sovereign Hill

We joined a class of kids to learn something new about reloading a rifle during the cowboy days... 
Kids listening intently to the handsome young man....
He was explaining that if the handcuffs were too big for the wrists,
the sheriff would hit the villains' wrists so that they would swell up...
or something like that... :)
Demonstrating how to reload a rifle....and then shooting upwards...
Time for our lunch....
We ordered a minced beef pie and an apple pastry pie...
That kept us full for an hour or two....
Next we walked to the gold mine pond.... 
And they joined in the fun digging for gold....
or should I say "panning" for gold...
Andy doing some digging... never wanting to give up....
Then the real gold digger came to give some tips....
Looks real interesting for the kids though....
As a result, they managed to get some "gold dust!"
At around 1.30pm, the soldiers came marching in....
Left, right... left right....
The flag was raised after some shots rang out....
Photo taking time...
Someone is really miniature size.. hahahaa...
She must have liked this one though... the drummer!
All these while, I was sitting here resting my weary bones.... 
My son must have caught me busy with my iPad when this picture was taken....
Old habits die hard, right?


  1. I did that too when I was in Oz, so I guess I was here as well as at Ballarat. Went to any winery, free wine tasting?

    1. We didnt go for the winery, Arthur... my kids are more keen for this one...

  2. What were you busy with? Games? Hehe!!!

  3. I used to go panning for gold in the USA, but have never found any. Lol! Well, it does brought back a lot of memories.......

    1. Sweet old memories, right? Yeah, same for us too!

  4. Your daughter is so small in size when compare to the drummer. They seem to enjoy the gold digging fun. Looking at them doing gold digging reminds me of a place call Bau gold mine in Kuching.

    1. They saw the gold dust only... I didn't join them... too hot!

  5. eih, not bad at all lah this trip, can have your hands on digging the gold leh.. but then looks like the games on your iPad is more interesting?? hahaha, yalah, can dig more gold and coins in your games than that in the village hor?? :D

    1. I didnt play games la... just reading the FB notifications! Have to keep updated with Malaysia ma.. ahemmm...

  6. This place like banyak syok la, never get to dig those gold before :(

    1. Then you must go one day... see if you can get a gold nugget!!

  7. Really can get gold!? Very nice then can keep the gold dust as souvenir from this trip. Are you updating your blog using the ipad when caught in action?

    1. No, iPad is for updating FB... my son brought his lappie along so when we were back in the room then only I blogged :)

  8. Eh, I like this post.. Looks like scenes from Barney where they teach the kids on cowboys and mining, really.. I have that DVD and I always put it on for the kids to watch..
    Oohh, I love beef pie.. I like that "sou" smell..
    Eh, so "yau" gold mou? Manage to gasak and put in pocket mou? Gold dust also "jiu sat"..Keke..

    1. hahaha... then they will come after us... they dug for fun... see the gold and then that was it.. cannot gasak ...asians always like to gasak one,right? hahahaha... Yes, the beef pie is very sou ham ham... I prefer the apple pie...

  9. Not only you, now a lot of people also busy with Ipad or phones, lol...

    Especially when taking bus or MRT, u will see people doing that, haha..

  10. I missed this place a few times. Shall plan to go there again!


    1. Hope you will and then show us the pictures... will bring back sweet memories!

  11. I agree, that young man is indeed handsome! Kekeke~

  12. Awesome!!!

    I've been here before, during a trip where I also went to the Grampians.

    I wanted to bring Ling to Ballarat when we were in Melbourne to see the show (they have a night show during weekends about the history and it's kinda like a musical) but we didn't have time.

    She had gotten the pass that we could use somemore but it was just too far out of the way to where we were going. Oh well, next time, while we enjoy your Melbourne posts! :D

    1. Yeah, hope you two will get to visit another time! Didnt know got night show.. anyway, it was a weekday...

  13. Claire, I love your last photo la...old habits die hard. Very true ehh.hahaha

    1. Want to kick the habit? Don't bring it along... hahaha..

  14. Wow! A happy family of Gold Diggers! I have not visited Australia but my friends brought back their yummiest fruit cakes and pies to try. Heavenly good man!

    1. nice of your friends! I didnt bring back the yummy fruit cakes and pies... only bought nuts!

  15. Australia has so many fun activities to offer. Interesting and all of you must have enjoyed this tour very much.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...