Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello Melbourne - First Day

After the wedding, it was time for us to pack for the honeymoon... ooopsss.. I mean "Familymoon"...  This year's Chinese New Year is really a non-stop continuous event, from Reunion Dinners to the Wedding of the year and this morning, we landed in Melbourne!  (I am so thankful that my "battery" is still working after endless late nights!)

We boarded the flight at 10.30pm from LCCT and landed in Melbourne this morning at 9.40am (Aust. time) and by the time we came out of the airport, it was almost 11am... phew.... Thank God, no hassles in visas and no interrogation at the immigration counters... My kids told me I was very exhausted during the flight that they could even hear my "gentle" snoring... aiksss.... they should have woken me up... so embarrassing!  LOL...

Good Morning, Melbourne...
7.40am Eyes.... LOL... 
 On the way to the immigration to collect our baggage....
It was very crowded....
 Finally we were out..... phewww...... 
In a short while, our Driver has arrived... hahahaa...
On the way to our apartment...
It was only a 20-25 min. drive... 
Meter came to around $50 aussie...

After settling down at our apartment, we quickly went out for a bite and 
took a few hours nap before we set out again for our dinner this time... 
(Must "charge" my battery first!)
Short distance away from the apartment, we set out.... 
First, we went to get SIM card for our connecting to the world... 
While the boys were at it, we girls took pictures around here and there....
In a few minutes, we reached Victoria State Library... 
A popular spot in Melbourne... 
Weather was cooling in the evening.. 16 degrees... very nice.... 
Hello Melbourne! 
Then our walk continued.... 
Melbourne Town Hall....
Giant Sunflowers! 
Outside QV shopping mall....
Wanted to go for a ride on the carriage but a bit pricey...
$60 for 15 minutes and $100 for half an hour...
So ended up taking pictures only... LOL..
Along the street, we were amazed by the "dressed-up" trees... 
I guess we walked a few kilometers...
Soon it was time for dinner....
We went to Southgate Food Court for our meal.... 
phewww.... long post on our first day...
now it is 9.04pm Malaysian time but it is 12.04am here.. 
Time to say goodnight!!


  1. Nice & beautiful tall buildings. Spending your "chap goh mei" over there. Enjoy your familymoon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, Irene... will enjoy to the fullest! hahaha...

  2. Wowwwwwwww!!!! Flew all the away to Melbourne, don't want to come to Sibu. Tsk! Tsk! Still over 40 Degrees C? Ok lah...go eat kampua there AUD$8.50...and not so nice. *go to sit in corner to sulk*

    1. haiyoh, if can fly to Melbourne then why bother to go to Sibu?? muahahahaha~~ :p

    2. I am here mah....not in Melbourne (plus no flies...and no over 40° C temperatures) but talking dollars and sense, somebody was telling me it was cheaper to fly some place overseas during Chinese New Year like Australia, for instance, than to fly to Sibu.

      That Indian knows when to cash in on Sibu folks - 6 flights a day...add extra no less than RM600 one way...and all flights full! Many had to fly to Kuching, Bintulu or Miri and catch a bus back - a whole lot cheaper that way and tickets are more easily available too. Happens every year.... EVERYONE wants to come home to Sibu for Chinese New Year - nothing like it it anywhere else.

    3. Anyway, Melbourne is crawling with Sibu Foochows, it's like Little Sibu...(and Perth too)
      Got kampua place lah, Claire…branch of the one in Perth – you don’t know where to go. Here:
      There’s that Sarawak’s own franchise Sugar Bun in Melbourne too:
      Bon appetit!

    4. Thanks for the information, Arthur... not sure where Sugar Bun is... but took the American Doughnuts from a van.. very nice!

  3. So shiok .... and never jio me earlier .... :P

    1. Yalor!!! If told me earlier, I would have loved to join in too. So much more fun travelling in big groups with friends. So secretive one... :(

    2. Chris, you mana boleh pergi... you always work and work only....
      Arthur, sure or not you join? If serious, next time we come again with the Kucing family, SK, TM.... Mandy.... the bigger group, better it is!!

  4. yorrrr!!! so nice, family trip to Melbourne!! i have not even step foot Downunder also leh.. so "sin mou", this is the n-th time you have been to Australia huh??

    1. You'd rather go to the ultra-expensive Japan many times already too! :P

    2. SK, only 2nd time for me.. but first for the kids... can come anytime when the cheap tickets are on!! STP, Japan is a nice place.. I wanna go again too.. Hokkaido!!

    3. No, thank you...but Australia...let me know. AA not flying UK and US, so not so cheap, I guess.

  5. Lovely weather over there, enjoy your trip there Claire! :)

    1. Thankfully, temperatures have gone down... Good time to go, but I think the horrendous flies are still there. Better in Spring...or Autumn. You had them in Perth too, right, Ken?

    2. Thank you Ken!! I will.... hot but not humid as in Malaysia.. no sticky sticky as yet.. hahahaa...

      Arthur, no big flies in the city... I heard got.. but so far, so good... spring is nice.. yes...

  6. Nice getaway! Enjoy your holidays there ya!

  7. Wow! What a great 2014 has been. Nice family getaway. Enjoy your family moon, Claire. Look forward to read more of your adventure and holiday.

  8. No wonder didn't see you update this few days, enjoy your trip ya!!! =]

  9. Your post might influence me to visit Melbourne some day! Where are the kangaroos????

  10. Hello Claire, so nice to be travelling with all your children. Enjoy to the fullest!

  11. take photo enough lo...tarak contact Yoong ah :p

  12. Weather in Melb goes up and down. Crazy but nice ! haha....


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...