Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Maru Koala And Animal Park, Philip Island

WE booked a three "Day Tours" when we reached Melbourne and due to our inexperience, we paid for the three days tour that runs consecutively.  Kind of tiring especially when the day tour ends around midnight and the following day we had to wake up as early as 6am to go for another one. 

The first day tour was alright, Great Ocean trip ended around 7pm...

Our second day was to the Phillips Island which started around 10am.  We were told to wait at the Federation Square and since we were quite early, we explored around and took more pictures..
At the Federation Square... quite a popular spot for locals and tourists...
Beautiful buildings just across the square...
Oh, the high tower behind... Eureka Tower so it is called..
Over here in Federation Square, people like to bask under the hot sun here...
 While waiting for the bus, we were in our own worlds...
Fast forward.... On the way to Phillip Island, we stopped at Maru Koala and Animal Farm..
A talking parrot greeted us at the entrance... "ello...ello.... " (that was me talking actually)
Feeding the Kangaroos...
Koala, Koala~~
As usual napping... it seems 3/4 of a Koala's life is spent napping... or should I say sleeping... 
We fed the Alpacas as well....
So steady!
But this Alcapas took off with my whole plastic container... she must be pretty hungry!
Next is the Emus.. a funny looking long neck bird...
A pack of kangaroos...
I call this an Albino Kangaroo...
A pack of kangaroos with my pack of kids.. hahahaa...
Then comes the shearing or shaving off hair from a sheep....
Before we left for Phillips Island.. let's take a picture....


  1. Love the beautiful tall buildings. Seems fun to feed the animals but I don't dare to go near them especially that pack of kangaroos where your kids take their photo. They are let loose.

    1. Yes, they are let loose.. guess they are tame otherwise they wont let them loose...

  2. wah, the trip so "dai" woh, started early in the morning and end near midnight?? hahaha.. but then go travelling is sometimes more tiring than working lah, agree?? haha.. this trup to Philip Island is nice woh, can see so many special animals, get close and personal and also can feed!! so good, i think can never be able to do this in Malaysia lah~~ :D

    1. Not so dai la.. each person around 100aussie.. but have to pay... next time no need to go liow.. one time pun cukup already...

  3. People over there would know that you are tourists as hiding away from the sun. Lol. I know I would.

    That albino kangaroo is kind of cute. Well. Adults or kids like, who doesnt love animals. Some more the kangaroos and koala.

    1. Yes, they look very cute.. my girl is most happy then..

  4. Those kangaroos are so cute!!!

    As usual, while waiting mostly look down at our own phone nowadays, hehe!!!

    1. hahaha...cyberworld.. young or old also got something to look to while away the time...

  5. Spotted any joeys? baby kangaroos? But i hate those poos nearby though, kinda freak out whenever i walk over LOL

    1. Ken, I know what you mean.. but they are hardened poo poo and no smell.. so we treated them as stones.. hahaha...

  6. Ello....Ello..... Ello...! The photos are beautiful and the skies so blue!! They have no clouds?

    I saw the kangaroos at last and the albino one gave me goose bumps! So unusual.

    1. Oh really.. why? They didnt give me the goose bumps but it is like they are isolated.. like separated from the rest of the gang.. so sad..

  7. Did you let the Koala hug you? I heard that Alpacas like to spit at people, hehehe.

    1. Oh really... the alpacas took my whole container away... so rough leh.. but she must be very hungry.. so ok la..

  8. Tour started early morning and ended midnite? Ma hou tired lor? But very worth wor, whole full day tour wor..
    Albino kangaroo? Creepy... Looks like The Walking Dead where zombies looking pale and white looking for fresh human blood, keke...
    Oohh they say koala stinks... Did they?

    1. Oh, I didnt smell the koala.. she is up on the tree branch sleeping..but if wanna take pic with koala ah, must pay around $20 or so.. I feel a bit expensive so no need la.. :)

  9. Nice. Melissa would love this place. She loves animals. Didn't see penguins?

    1. Yes, same with my girl.. she loves.. Penguins was the last part but too bad they dont allow pictures to be taken there..

  10. Replies
    1. Real one? I only have artificial ones.. hahaha..

  11. i always like taking picture overseas because of their blue blue sky. Makes every photo so beautiful !

  12. Ohhh..I spotted a sleepy koala..ahahha

    1. It didn't move an inch... really having a great nap up there!

  13. I love your post Reana! :)

    It reminds me of the trip me and Ling went on about one year ago! Goodness, a year pasts so fast!

    Good to see you having fun with your kids in Melbourne! Hoping to read more of your Melbourne posts! :D

    1. Sure! My posts will go and on till the last day of our stay in Melbourne.. carry on reading... hahahaa...

    2. Have fun during your time in Melbourne! :)

      I was there for 4 years, wished I had traveled around more. I already traveled a lot when I was studying there but there are some places I missed!


  14. wow so nice! but i dont think i will go animal park. >.<

    1. Why? Anyway, we were new there so we don't know what to expect...

  15. I'm planning for Melbourne next year during my convocation...

    1. Hope you will enjoy yourself too, TZ!! Congratulations on your convo!

  16. Syoknya you! Got bring back a koala bear for me ka

  17. Feeding animals is also one of my fave pastimes in Australia. Missed those days........


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...