Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Souvenirs And Marketing In Victoria Market

So much to buy but we didn't actually bought a lot as yet.  We always ended up buying souvenirs that we don't use and giving out to our family and friends.  But old habits die hard... ladies are ladies.. we still want to grab stuff we find fascinating and cheap, right?  Shopping is endless for us... more pictures here...
Ok, what shall we buy?
Doing some bargaining... hahaha...
But most stalls have fixed prices...
Most of the stalls have the same style and designs..
Should I get these towels.... er... I guess no need ler... right?
Someone was caught in a bored mood!  Oh my!!  I didn't know that till I saw these pictures... 
He is such a "NICE BOY!"  LOL....
The shopping continues....
My girl ended up with a pink cap only $3... 
And finally in the vegetable and fruits section.... 
Need to buy back some for our lunch.... 
Our first apartment cooked meal 
Here is our menu for the day....
Love these fresh scalloops... $10 here...
So sweet.. just stir fry them and we get their sweet juice... 
Slowly does it.....
We ended up cooking spaghetti with ham and bacon... fresh scallops and lightly pan fried salmon!
Got to do this again before we leave..... 


  1. wah so many seafood, grab some fresh oysters too! :P

    1. Oh, I dare not eat the raw ones.. stomach ache last time I took.. :p

  2. Hahaha!!!....YAWNING....poor boy, has to carry backpack and hands loaded with goods.Two ladies, enjoying their shopping freely. Wow, that's a nice lunch.

    1. hahahaa... child labour... but nonetheless, he is a most willing carrier man..

  3. Pity Andy! Send him over here, never a dull moment one. :D

    1. Ya...going overseas, if you buy food and cook your own, it is a lot cheaper than eating outside...and nicer too. I think their salaries too the cost is charged to the customers in the prices of the food.

    2. Yeah, you had a point there... normal meal is around $10 so might as well cook some nice meals with that kind of money... but most meals taken out too.. wanna try the western food..

  4. For me, I'll pick some t-shirt!!!

    1. Yea, buy 10 free one..but we didnt end up buying 10... too bad!

  5. Replies
    1. See you next year then you will know! hahahaa...

  6. hahaha, of course must try to find something to buy mah.. the market has so many interesting things woh.. and one thing i love is that you rented an apartment and can cook your meals in there!! more time for family bonding.. and the simple spaghetti meal actually looks good woh.. but then not enough for me lah, still got second serving is it?? :D

    1. Surely got for you!! hahahaa... One packet cannot finish leh... got leftover for evening..and we fried them with eggs and the left over bacon... :)

  7. Things are not cheap there at Australia, right? I remember buying not much when I go there last time.....

    1. Yes, definitely not cheap cos we got to times 3!!

  8. Fresh seafood is so delicious! Family bonding time - cooking together. Food is simple but fulfilling with delicious seafood.

    1. Yes, cannot have good food with just salt as an ingredient..hahahaa...

  9. Was about to ask yesterday did you buy some food from the market to cook in your apartment, and today, saw your post liao cooking in the apartment, yay! Oh yes, agree with you "lui yan chin yung yi chan" (ladies money easy to get).. Haha.. Almost anything also we can buy.. Drop me anywhere, I can buy anything although I don't plan to buy anything.. Your home-cooked lunch looks good, I like. But I prefer white sauce to bolognaise.. The next time maybe can get your kids to do carbonarra cream sauce.. Can't wait!

    1. We had salt as an ingredient only..didnt want to buy so much lup chap yeh cos wasted... so anything goes la... as long as the food are fresh... and save money of course! :)

  10. If i go, sure end up buying things... lol...

  11. any fresh seafood would be nice. Juicy and sweet ! Agreed with u. Shopping is haven for ladies ! haha

    1. Yes, provided don't keep counting the money..then nice! hahaha..

  12. wow so nice being able to cook your own meals.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...