Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Church Wedding

It was around 3.30pm when we adjourned to St. Michael Church for the wedding service after the tea ceremony.  When I entered the church, it reminded me of my own wedding held here more than 26 years ago.  As the service continues, I whispered to my daughter that a church wedding is kind of romantic... hahaha...
Nicely decorated with the Chinese New Year atmosphere...
The Bridegroom and the Best Man waiting patiently....
Happy smiles from both of them...
Hope Aaron likes the feeling of standing there... 
That might motivates him to get a girlfriend.. hahahahaa...
Handing over Bride to Bridegroom... 
After some 45 minutes of songs and sermon,
the wedding was blessed.. 
bouquet of flowers thrown to the singles..
Time for some photo taking....
Smiles on everyone's faces!
 "You by my side, that's how I see us....
I close my eyes and I can see us..."


  1. Reminds me of my cousin wedding in church few years back...

  2. I haven't been to church wedding, looks so sweet!!! =]

  3. I love to attend Church wedding too. 5th pix, is that your daughter? Looks so different or should I say more mature.

  4. I have not been to a church wedding either. It must be very nice for you to walk down memory lane during the wedding.

  5. I always think back of my own wedding when ever I attended others' weddings. Lol.

  6. I had only attended a church wedding once. That's when my youngest brother got married.

  7. The church looks so beautiful now ! So, when Aarons turn ? I asked him already on cny 1st day. He diam diam .....

  8. Ahhhh!!!! They're Catholics. I love church weddings, so romantic, so beautiful.

  9. Church wedding with CNY decor, looks unique..
    I have never been to a church wedding before.. So what happens after the church wedding? Some will adjourn straight to chinese luncheon (instead of dinner).. Some will have a light buffet spread..

    1. After church, it was almost time for wedding dinner... so we quickly went home to change and adjourned to the hotel... :)

  10. ahem ahem....dont be best man too many times oh...faster be the groom :p

    1. First time in history.. please help in grooming??? Please? hahaha...


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...