Monday, February 17, 2014

The Twelve Apostles Port Campbell National Park

It was a great relief for the four of us when the bus came to a halt after an hour or so after our lunch.  We finally reached The Twelve Apostles!

Thank goodness for the pills, we came out quite refreshed without feeling a bout of nausea... (I must remember to take them along during our travel next time) 

My girl used to have "phobia" sitting on the bus, she used to throw up during our travels last time... however surprisingly this time, she did not and she was not complaining about her discomfort.  In fact she seems to be having a great time....
She even have the mood to do some "facial" expressions...
 Andy seems to be in good mood too!
 We have to take turns to become photographers....
Finally we reached the entrance to the Twelve Apostles... 
We have to follow the pathway... do not go beyond the railings..
Though it was sunny, the wind was chilly!
After some walks and talks, we saw this awesome sight...
How I wish my camera is sharper!
How about this?  Isn't it spectacular....
Nearer angle.... 
Zoom in some more...
We were told that due to the erosion, they might not be twelve anymore... 
Mostly Asians, right?
Time to pose!
Someone has to stoop lower to get the scenery right!
We stopped someone to take this family picture for us....
Kept asking him to click one more... one more.... 
and finally I love this one Most!
Despite the long and winding road, I was so glad that we came here...
The driver was right... the earlier oceans  cannot be compared....
The ocean here is indeed a sight to behold....


  1. Wow ...awesome ! And it's so windy there !

  2. wow, finally you were there!! and yeah, i agree with your tour guide, those "rubbish" you have seen earlier just cannot compare to this, haha!! and never miss the great ocean road and the 12 apostles, but how many left now??

    BTW, nice family portrait, i also like them!! :)

    1. I heard there are going to be 7 left only later on.. due to the erosion... so must see before they vanishes.. :)

  3. Awesome tourist spot. Oh, see your hair and I can tell how windy it is. Nice family photo.

    1. hahahaa... if I were wearing a wig, surely it has flown to the ocean..

  4. SNAKES!!! Did you manage to find any? :P

    1. There is one shy snake there for us to take picture, very poisonous so it seems .. as long as we don't disturb it...

  5. Very nice family photo! Must frame up when you get home.

  6. I wouldn't want to go and see some eroded rocks...but I bet the overall scenery of the place will take one's breath away. I didn't go to Stonehenge either when in the UK, same reason.

    1. It is one of best attractions when visiting Melbourne... so after one visit, you can forget about it.. hahaa...

  7. Nice scenery. Wouldn't wana come back.. Yep, the seasick pills is very important during travelling. I always bring some medicines along during travelling like panadol, "pou chai yuen", seasick pills and plasters, keke..

    1. Yes, I took a packet of everything important.. charcoal pills too.. very scared of stomach ache one... those are necessities.. .

    2. I look at your 1st picture again and again, laughing now, very funny..
      Looks like "pao char tau" (explosion head) on your boy.. Kekeke..

  8. Wow, the views are so awesome!!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, very... must catch hold of my own hair.. hahaha..

  10. wah so many M.I.B. geh...all sungasses wor. yau yeng :)

    1. Otherwise if don't wear, all become sepet eyes because of the sun! :)

  11. The rocks and cliffs are pretty sight! They looked like mini canyons. We don't have such awesome seasides like that in our country. I am making notes of your trip for my future plans! Thanks for sharing Miss Colgate.

  12. Woww, the view is spectacular and the wind was strong too!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...