Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wedding Of The Year

Besides celebrating Chinese New Year, everyone in the family were also busy with the preparation of my nephew's wedding. It is the first wedding held in my in-laws, first time ever for everybody in the family.  Sure the excitement grows as the day comes closer. So much to be done and it is a good experience.. haahaa... Everyone starts saying that there is always a first and after that, more will be coming...
Wedding car arrived at the groom's place 
after "receiving" the bride from Sitiawan...  
The Best Man of the Year... is none other than...
Two eligible bachelors!
 Good experience for them... LOL...
 Yours truly "drinking tea" for the very first time! 
More to come, right?  
Who's the first one to wed, I wonder... hmmmm......
Yours truly will be waiting patiently... if it ever comes... hahahahaa....
Then comes the part to receiving Red Packets from the handsome groom and beautiful bride.. 
Wonder what Aaron said to make the bride laughed so much...
While waiting for another Red Packet....  hahaha....
Greetings to the new member of the family...
Congratulations to my nephew and his bride... 
Chinese New Year from now onwards will have a new Face in the Family "Reunion Dinner from now on...


  1. When is best man's turn? Hurry! Hurry!

  2. STP, it's not gonna work to say hurry hurry only.. must have ACTION! hahahaa...

  3. Claire.....drooling! Lol ... cant wait leh ;)

  4. That is nice
    CNY + wedding is a good start for HORSIE year....

  5. Congratulations to the newly wed. Double celebration, double happiness. Next in line will be from your family, hehehe!!!!!....

  6. Why most of the time the bride cries on her wedding day?

  7. Becoz she is not marrying d' BEST Man..;(, hehe

    1. Bananaz, you are wrong this time.. nowadays brides no more cry cry one.. they laughed cos their mothers are gaining a son and not losing a daughter! hahaha...

    2. Absolutely very true. My elder sister would have her three sons-in-law staying in her house since CNY II and able to play mahjong with all her three sons-in-law.

    3. Usually her three sons-in-law will stay until CNY VI before leaving for KL or Singapore.

  8. Congratz to the new couple! When is your turn to be "lai lai"? :P

  9. Someone is hinting to be a mother-in-law. Lol.

    Soon. I am sure. ;)

    Congrats to the newly wed.

    1. I hope it will be soon... but I doubt.. hahaha..

  10. Congrats to the new couple!!! =]

  11. Congratulations to the newly weds! Claire, you really look nice in your red dress.

  12. Gong Hei Fatt Choy and congrats to the newly weds.
    Am back to work today after 1 week of hibernation, kekeke..
    You look young & gorgeous ya know?

  13. wah, congratulations to your nephew!! but i think Claire must be fantasizing either one of her kids getting married, and the urge to drink her "sum pou cha" or "looi sai cha" makes her saliva-drooling~~ :D

  14. LOL....ahem ahemmm...free advertisment for your son ke? :p

    Ahem ahem...maybe your family wedding bells this year leh....dont forget to give me red summon ah :p


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