Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who Say Kids Don't Have Good Memory - CNY

Some random pictures taken during the 1st and 2nd day of CNY....  and some of the humour I encountered with small young girls that left me "speechless" for some seconds....
Christopher Au came visiting bringing his kids and his niece... 
and I believe he would never taught his princess to respond like this.... 

First Day of CNY
Gave Nicole (cute girl at right) a red packet ..
and accosted with a greeting...
"Thank you, Cheh-Cheh!"
Those two words made me "advertised" for tooth paste for some great moments!

Second Day of CNY....
 The next day we went visiting to Jelapang... 
Met this cute girl again (left at top picture)
Me :  You remember me?  Call me?
Girl :  Cheh-Cheh..... 
Me :  ahhhh.... Good Girl....
Girl : Why are you wearing the same dress as yesterday?
Me : ?????? 
(Speechless.... )

(This girl is very observant, don't play-play!)


  1. Happy la you . ... next time I teach her how to call you before the visits. Hehe

    1. You talked like that means it is something not so good... hahahaa..

  2. Nice photos taken with ChrisAu!

  3. Muahahahahaha!!!!! Clever girl, hoping to get BIG ang pao, eh? Father taught her well.

    1. He has something new on this sleeves next year! :)

  4. Wah she is so observant. So many people she visited yet she can remember what you wore. So what did you answer?

    1. I was speechlesssss! I cannot remember what I said.. just change the subject.. hahahaa...

  5. Hahaha!!! observant & straightforward. Get a shock of your life when she ask you that question.

  6. Sounds like you had a very fruitful and memorable CNY :)

  7. lol, did you give her a bigger ang bao since she call you cheh cheh, kaka....

  8. Hahaha! Your post is so cute! Happy CNY, sweetie!

  9. Hahaha, very good observant!!! Since she remembers you so make sense she remembers what you were wearing yesterday, hehe!!! =]

  10. hahaha........the little girl is so cute ! And cheh-cheh is so suitable for u la...u look 'young' ! even u have 3 kids ! Envy envy !

  11. This post is very cute and I love it.
    I was smiling when I was reading it.

    The last time I heard someone called me jie jie was very very long time ago.....:-(


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...