Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hot And Spicy In Pakeeza Restaurant, Ipoh

It was a hot day when Andy called me up for lunch one afternoon. He came and picked me up from the office and we really did not have any idea on what and where to eat. He was very hungry and he told me that he could eat like a horse though not working like as a horse... LOL...

Eventually we ended up in Pakeeza Restaurant, a North Indian cuisine in town... It has been several months since we last savored food like these....
Nasi Biryani with chicken...
Two pieces of Puri...
Best to go with yellow beans called dhall...
we ordered a plate of sambal eggplants... (popular dish!)
And if that's not enough, I ordered another piece of capati!
Oh dear.....
Just look at the food on the table!
Now looking back, I wonder how we managed to finish them all..
Actually Andy took most of it since he was the hungry one...
I am not a "spicy" person... 
but I like to eat Puri and Capati once awhile... 


  1. Replies
    1. P.S.:
      Watch out for the poslaju man - EF166447865MY

    2. hahahaa... I will go collect today!! Thanks for informing!

  2. That's a lot for 2 persons. Not a fan of Indian food but I do take it once awhile. Mostly Indian food are spicy and that is the raseon i am not into it.

    1. error- "reason" I am not into it.

    2. Same like you, once awhile fine with me cos I am not a spicy person too.. :)

  3. claire, i SUKA this one!! aiyoh, i am drooling now when reading and commenting lah, wait ah, let me wipe my mouth first, haha!! the briyani and the chicken looks good, and then the puri and dhal, and the eggplant also.. and also the chapati and mango lassi!! aiyoh, i want to go there and makan already~~

    1. OKOK!! Come Ipoh and I belanja you makan kau-kau!!

    2. SK so clever, knows that's mango lassi.. I didn't read it anywhere.. Really observant la..

  4. 2 person for those are okay i reckon? haha or maybe youngsters like us can eat more :P

    1. Ken, are you talking about yourself? hahahaa...I think I can eat more than you la!

  5. I love the briyani rice and also the sambal egg-plants.. I can wallop 2 plates of rice and also 3 pieces of capati with the gravy on the egg-plants alone!

    1. wowo... I like!! What I cannot finish, you can.. hahaha.. and it gives me more appetite to see another eating so well...hahaha..

  6. I like Indian food, especially their curry, hehe!!!

  7. I loves the Nasi Biryani with chicken, hehe...

  8. I like to eat Nasi Biryani - very flavourful with spices but not those very salty ones. Yes, really a lot of food but for a growing guy like Andy, no problem and you get to taste a variety of food which is nice.

    1. Yeah, what I cannot finish, he can wallop them all...

  9. Claire, I m not a huge fan of Indian cuisine but HB certainly likes the nasi!

    1. I like certain food only .. puri, capati fine with me..

  10. i wonder is it same like the one in PJ

  11. Claire, you are one lucky mum. Your children are wonderful and loving.

    We Asians are not such expressive when it comes to showing love through words. But actions are better than words, right??

    Greetings from Pattaya! You have a great day ahead, Claire.

    1. Yes, you are right... we asians are more reserved... you enjoy yourself, Rose!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...