Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kampua Noodles From SIBU To IPOH

Nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this comment out of the blue in my Facebook!  hahahahaa....

Arthur Wee : Looks like they went to your house TWICE!
Detail result for Parcel No : EF166447865MY
18-Mar-2014 18:27:12 Unable to deliver the item due to
Addressee not around at time of delivery PPL IPOH
18-Mar-2014 16:33:19 Unable to deliver the item due to
Addressee not around at time of delivery PPL IPOH

Arthur, if you would have told me earlier that you had sent me something, I would have taken a day off to wait in the house for the postman!!  hahahahaa....  By the way, I don't think he came twice, just one time around 4.33pm...cos the card was in my letter box when I came home after 5pm...
It was indeed a nice surprise after the shock... 
I didn't expect to receive a gift from Sibu yesterday.... 
There are two packets with different flavours..
One with Dark Sauce and one Original....
Inside the big packet are five individually packed noodles that comes with their special sauce.. 
Well, what did I do with them all?
I "sent" them over to another destination...
Yes, to my mother's place so that the noodles will be perfectly cooked!
My mom is an expert when it comes to cooking noodles... 
Not too soft, not so soggy like what I would end up doing... hahahaa...
See, got desserts some more... 
Sweet potato ginger "tongsui" to accompany the noodles...
Plus home-made green chillies!
Presentation might not be as nice as those sold outside in stalls or in cafes...
But what more can I ask....
Free noodles from the Sibu Food Mayor... (THANK YOU!)
And delicate hands that prepare them with passion for the hungry hearts...
Even my daughter (quite a picky eater) gave a Thumbs UP while eating!!


  1. Wah wah wah! Such privilege! Looks great! The minced meat are your own right? Not included kan?

    1. Minced meat is sendirian berhad..otherwise the kampua noodles wont reach Ipoh... hahahaa..

  2. Oh my, oh my, looks absolutely awesome with minced meat & fish ball. Slurpp!!!!!...

    1. Simple and nice, hor? My mama's simple presentation...

  3. Look like Sarawak kolok mee. Nice presentation. I am hungry. Haha.

    Enjoy your noodles

    1. Had enjoyed.. gained plenty of calories..thanks to Arthur!

  4. Looks delish! Hmmm, maybe I shd whip this up for the kids next week since I have minced pork, pork balls and veggie. ONly need to get similar type of noodles. Is it like wanton noodles?

    1. Yes, something like wanton without the strong egg smell like ours... smooth too...

  5. Oooo...looks really good. Nice hor? From Sibu, sure very nice one...just like the one sending it to you. Hehehehehe!!!!!

    1. hahahaa... Sure, sure.. everyone is nice over here... what is free is good too.. hahaha.. anyway, thanks for taking the trouble to send...

    2. You just made him float to Cloud 9. He is generous and thoughtful.

  6. You should learn from your mama... she really spoil you;)

  7. wah, the much heard about kampua noodles all the way from Sibu!!! you are so lucky Claire.. i actually got that too from Arthur, he is so kind to send all his West Malaysia blogger-friends some instant kampua noodles to try, to brainwash them all about kampua?? haha.. thank you Arthur, we all love it~~ :)

    1. Welcome, welcome. Good things, must share with dear and loved ones mah...

    2. Kampua King sends out so many? If some do not know you, they really thought you are one of the shareholders or the CEO behind the kampua manufacturing! hahahaa... Not bad eh.. they should supply you with the packets, they are really nice, my sister, mom and even my girl have some praises for them!

    3. Glad everybody love it! Ask you all to come, so sombong! Don't want to come so no choice lor...have to send to everybody to taste.

  8. It must be a very nice surprise for you. So nice of your friend in SIbu to send them. I did not know that there are instant kampua noodles. Are they only sold in Sibu?

    Wow, your mother is such a good cook. The presentation is better than those prepared by some of the noodle stalls I frequent here. May I ask how old is your mother? She cooks so well, even go to the extent of preparing minced pork, pork meat balls and lettuce to garnish the noodle. You are so blessed. :)

    1. Unfortunately, yes. Only in Sibu. And limited stock available. Have to order ahead.

    2. Can order online, Arthur or do we have to go through you next time? You really should think about it, getting orders and making some money so that you can tour far far.... good idea, yes?

    3. Can go to their Facebook page - The Kitchen...but expensive to send lah!!! Average Poslaju charges - more than cost of each pack of the noodles. Just eat Maggi. If buying a lot, better fly over - Air Asia, may be even cheaper to do that!

    4. Thank you both for all the answers.

  9. Saw this in FB (at home) and I have to come here first thing in the morning to comment.. The noodles look delicious babe... Oohh the sauce and seasoning already included hor.. I thought just the noodles, and your mum season it herself.. Was about to ask what your mum used, coz I like cooking noodles too, and I only use oyster sauce, soya sauce and pepper, kekekeke...

    1. I also never thought got seasoning included also... we actually separated them out.. one plate with the supplied seasoning and another plate with my mom's own garlic and sesame oil... My mom normally fried the garlic and some shallots, then add in sesame oil a bit, no oyster sauce, just hak yau little bit and pak yau for taste... :) If hardworking, do some minced meat, vege and fish balls to accompany.. if more hardworking, wrap some wanton meat to go with it.. hahahaa..

  10. Can pass some to my mom ? She coming to Singapore soon ! :P

  11. I have three small ones left.. enough or not? Are you hinting to Arthur? :)

    1. What? What? *pretend dunno* Muahahahahaha!!!!!

  12. Yum yum! Haven't tried kampua noodles before, how did it taste different from wantan mee? *I know Arthur will surely whack me saying they're the absolutely different!* haha

    1. These kampua are now individually packet-ed while wanton noodles are not... when we cook them, we have to rinse the wanton noodles whereas kampua ones, there is no need to rinse... when it comes to texture, wanton noodles are springy while kampua is softer and smoother in texture... this is what I notice..

  13. Wow, he's so sweet lo!!! Special gift all the way from Sibu!!!

  14. Your posmen very rajin leh. Came twice in a day. Not like mine. .twice a wee k..if lucky

    1. Only came once la.. mana ada two times.. cos I was home then..

  15. We like the Sarawak type of mee..there are 3 places that we frequent here in KK just to have our Sarawak mein. They usually top with minced meat. This one packed with sauce are so convenient.

    1. Each place has their own special sauce and flavour, right? Yes, I didn't realize that they were individually packed until I opened them up...

  16. HB actually brought back some and I can't wait to try it,

    1. Show us when you have cooked it, Ling!! Need some new ideas.. hahaa..

  17. Wah you so fast cook them already, mine still in the kitchen, hehe~

    1. It has been a long while since the last time we took... I still have 3 small packets left.. :)


Thank you, readers!

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