Sunday, April 13, 2014

Palm Sunday And A Mini Tyhoon In Ipoh

It's Palm Sunday today... went to church at 7.45am with bright spirits.. and each of us were given a beautiful cross made from palm leaf.....
Pastor preached on The Journey to the cross by Jesus as he entered the city of Jerusalem with shouts of Hosanna by the people who laid palm leaves on the ground as Jesus rode by on a donkey, the very same people who had him crucified a week later and then He rose on the third day, ie Easter....
 "He came from heaven to earth... to show the way...
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay...
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky...
Lord I lift Your name on High..."

On the very same afternoon around 4pm, a strong and howling wind came to my area.... Never before I heard of such howling wind before... "wwooooooooooowooooo" and rain splashed into my main entrance.... and in no time, my balcony was kind of flooded too...
Something must have got stuck cos the water just wouldn't budge....
and an idea came to this Lady MacGyver
Covered the head with a thick towel, she went into action....

Using the stick, she searched for the hole....
Seems like the hole was stuck with debris.... 
That was why the water couldn't go through....
That being done, she began to retrieve her floating slipper....

Got it!!
Finally..... done!
Ok, that's it!
No more clog.. no more flood.... 
The task is accomplished!
Time to get myself cleaned up before I get a chill....


  1. It was on Friday afternoon here - terribly heavy rain, very strong wind, thunder and lightning. Luckily, nothing blocked, no flood...

  2. STP, mine old house.. sure got something that needs to be done.. I was so worried my roof might fly off too...

  3. But still can take photos wor! So does that mean you were having fun? :P

  4. It was so hot here ! I also at church service early this morning at 8am. Good boy hor ? Next Sunday , service starts at 6 am. ... cham lor ....

  5. It was raining kinda heavily here as well~

    1. It was the wind that was terrifying for a few minutes...

  6. Really hope you will be ok, won't catch chill. You were totally soaked! Raincoat or umbrella will be better I guess, The towel you used was also totally soaked. Just curious who took the photos of you while you were in the rain?

    1. My girl... told her to take mama in action.. hahaha.. crazy me! But if I didn't unclog the hole, the water will come into my room in no time..

    2. Don't supposed you have rsin coat at home.

  7. The cross made from palm leaves is really beautiful.

  8. Claire, you are such a good handy woman to fix this!!! And you are very cute in the last picture!!! How did you get these pictures?

    1. My girl took them for me... told her to or else!!! hahahaa..

  9. Usually I go to 1st mass service at 6.45am. The palm cross was beautifully made. You like playing in the rain, eh. See the last pix, so happy, hahaha. Yesterday afternoon, over here, also heavy rain and strong wind but it lasted only a while.

    1. Yeah, it lasted for half hour or so, the rain.. just came and go.. but it was the howling wind that was quite terrifying..

  10. You are super woman, nothing you couldn't so. Bravo!

    It was rather chilling on Saturday and Sunday too. Heavy rain.

    1. Not super la...hahaha... anyone can do but just like to play in the rain for a moment... and also to unclog the hole there..

  11. When I saw this in FB, I just can't wait to read your post.. Your (poor) slipper floating away caption was really funny la, I dunno why, can't explain, hehe.. I read the sentence, then I see your slipper, then I think of you, then I laugh.. Am still laughing now, I dunno laughing for wat..

    1. Cos you are a princess ma... a princess must laugh one, be happy and merry! hahahaa... Yeah, I always do crazy things.. capture myself in crazy moments like these and put up for laughs...

    2. Eh, I just come back to read your reply.. I read your post again.. I see your post, then I see your face, then I see your slipper, then I think of you again, then now I'm laughing.. Oh dear, what's wrong with me?

  12. errr, i can see you are a REAL BLOGGER!! instead of asking that somebody to hold an umbrella for you while you work in the rain, you rejected that idea, but get him/her to take photos of you in action so that you can blog about it!! hahahahaha~~ :D

    1. Yes, yes!!! Otherwise much to write each day! You know my ideas!

  13. We went to Palm Sunday Mass too..a lot more church goers than the usual Sunday. Good to have some rain to solve the water problem.

    1. Yeah.. get ready for May dry spell.. or is it June?

  14. It was raining heavily last night here...

  15. My house always get flooded after heavy rain, but it has improve a lot after we asked someone comes to fix it, if not those fishes in the fish pond are gonna to swim out lo!!! =]

  16. Dear Friend Claire,
    You done a very good job for the everybody! But u didnt save urself from harm. Do u know such storm has strong lightning? Next time, use a pair of long boots than bare footed!!!!
    No joke, friend. Buy a 2 ft rottan of finger like size n spare it there for use when another blockage comes.
    Hope my suggestion helps. till then..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...