Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sultan Perak Demise And Sore Throat

Even before the news came out officially, someone in Facebook has asked me yesterday whether I heard any news on the demise of our Perak Sultan.  I told her that I was still on medical leave so I did not hear anything about that.  But today when I went to the office, I was told that the news is true, only that it was not official until our Perak Chief Minister announced around 4pm.... Tomorrow is declared a holiday as a sign of respect....

I think I will stay home and rest... my throat is hurting me and I was recalling when and why it hurts... and I got the answer when I looked back to my Penang folder a moment ago!
 We were near the Jalan Free School when we saw this crowd.....
 Something good must be happening there!
 Yes, I was told that this road side stall is famous for its FRIED STUFF.....
And what happened to my throat is these Fried Nien Koh sandwiched by two pieces of Yam...
After eating three Crispy Pieces, my Sore Throat is Born......
Anyway.. No regrets!


  1. Heard the news over the radio just now...

    Tomorrow newspaper should b out...

    1. today.... now resting at home...

  2. Three pieces at one go, that's a lot! Never mind now drink many glasses of leong sui will do. Your sore throat will be gone and you can eat fried food again. Get well soon!

  3. ah.. sometimes just cannot resist all those fried stuffs lah, they are really GOOD STUFFS i tell you.. but then, remember to drink lots of water after pampering yourself with those lah.. a lesson for you, errr, i thought happened many times already and yet you still won't listen?? :p

    1. yes... many times liow... my body cannot accept fried stuff, I tell you... so have to get ready for soreness after taking... sure one!

  4. yes, sore throat is very irritating but we get it easily if we are not careful about our food. I have the Counteract drops which are very effective in getting rid of cough and sore throat. Maybe you should buy and keep a packet with you.

    1. Today my throat ok liow... cos gurgled with salt water twice per day.... now it turns to running nose...

  5. Claire, I am glad we know what it is now, and nothing to worry about! When does your retirement start?

  6. I like fried nien koh too...a thing too good to resist. Sore throat is really a very irritating. Eat cannot, drink also cannot. Hope today you kwai kwai stay at home and get a good rest.

    1. Yeah, stay home and do the backlog housework!

  7. Fried stuff, only nice when hot...and that's where the problem lies.

  8. G's having swollen eye, swollen throat, fever and cough.. Gawd, I feel awful.. On leave today again.. Gawd I dunno how many days off I've taken liao this month..

    1. Oh dear... is it contagious? Maybe he got it from the nursery... that is the con of putting in larger groups of kids.. sigh... hope he gets well soon!!

  9. I like fried nian kao with yam! Rest your throat well. then can go makan-makan again. :p

    1. Yes, rest a week or two and I am back to my old wai sik self again...

  10. Last weekend I got this bad sore throat and tonsillitis at the same time. Got so sick. Hope you are feeling better Claire.

    1. Now no more sore throat but running nose.. so it is going to be fine.. drank lots of coconut water..

  11. It must be going around coz my better half had sore throat too! I cooked her black chicken soup jelly. Haha!

    Get well soon Reana!

    1. Yeah.. the virus must be spreading here and there.. hahahaa...

  12. Err... this place is quite famous but there are also some rumors about this stall here... negative ones... PM me if you wanna know :P


Thank you, readers!

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