Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Non-Oomph Feel Tonight

Nothing special to write about... the"oomph" is not here tonight.... lots of things on my mind... but I try to "divert" myself from those issues... Ranting out in my own blog sounds like a good idea, however.... some are too personal to disclose... To overcome this problem, I must open up a new blog with a new identity and then whatever XXXX can be blast out.... one fine day I might do that... 

Meanwhile bear with me... being a Food-holic, these were taken today, Tuesday 24th June.....
Chee Cheong Fun in Thean Chun Old Town... 
RM3.20 for the above.... 
Some fish balls must go with the CCF then only "shiok"
Another RM2.80 for the 4 pieces...
And as if they are not enough, I ordered my dessert to make the meal complete...
RM2.50 or so... cannot remember the price for this.. haiyah...
*  yan loe chor... *
Now... adding them up, my meal cost around RM8-9...
If I just order a plate of CCF and a glass of plain water, it would be less than RM4...
And for tonight's dinner, I just whooped up a simple meal like this...
Penang white curry noodles without the creamer.... about RM1.50
And a packet of organic spinach... RM3.50

Oh gosh... I seem to be very calculative tonight...
Something is very wrong here... hhmmmmm...


  1. Food is a good way to release stress! :)

    1. True, true... but sometimes the appetite is not there only. :)

  2. Tuesday 24th July? or you mean June? (Guess you typed too fast, right? hehe!)

    1. Oh dear Sheta!! This is the outcome of a distracted mind, I tell you!! hahahaa... Thank you for pointing it out.. amending it now.

  3. Nice food you have there. Tonight I have homecooked kolo mee. You also like Penang curry mee. People are prasing high about this mee. To me, so so only. Still prefer the Sibu local mee daddy.

    1. Yeah so so only la.. I prefer the non-spicy type.. chicken mushroom or whatever.. but it is better to make own soup and pour over the noodles after that... :)

  4. I am having ccf nearly everyday for brunch. Just can't eat enough but I can only eat 1 portion (one sheet - RM1.60) per meal. Your dinner got vege is got enough. Tell us the price is not calculative lah. Really hope you let out whatever is bothering you - write it out on paper to rant and then tear up the paper to keep it private. Could work.

    1. Mun, really? Write it out and throw away? I have yet to do it but I have ranted it out and sent to two persons already..

    2. Ranted out d ic so I hope you are feeling better now. Have a nice day today!

  5. The last one looks like the best to me! that is a good idea, start another blog. this one fr food, the other just to talk about your life. i always wonder and have questions, then everyone can know the real Claire!! But I think I already know her: kind, hardworking, fun loving, nurturing, and smart!

    1. Ginny, you always say the Best-est things for your friends.. very encouraging lady you are! Thank you so much for coming by so often!

  6. Food - the best remedy, the best consolation.... What's bugging you? No daughter-in-law leh? Once you've one, it will be worse... Muahahahahaha!!!!!

    1. hahahaaa.. now you scare me! So how about a son-in-law for you? Will he be getting warnings every now and then from the FIL? heheehee... lets wait and see.. mine will be late.. still no gf yet lar!

  7. Yep, seldom hear you rant in your own blog.. Yeah, good idea.. I've seen people having two blogs.. One talks about the kids and all.. Another one is her own personal one, with secrets and rants and all.. Or like mine, rojak.. Rants and parenting and baking, all in one, LOL

    1. Actually easier to have one blog than two... or three... really no time to manage one.. I tried three before... hahaha..eventually two vanished already... i talk only.. but never seem to come around to do it yet..

  8. We all have our problems and blah days but food always cheers me up! I like your lunch especially the CCF. Carbo always brings such comfort!

  9. hahahaa. and I wish that those carbo are healthy too so that can eat more... :)

  10. Haha! I know the feeling! :)

    I plan to do that too, start over with a new blog but still maintain the old one - coz I've been blogging at sixthseal.com for over 10 years!

    1. wow..10 years is a long time, HB! Really a Sifu Blogger then!! hahaha...

  11. Is custard caramel common in Ipoh? I thought its only available at the famous old town white coffee place but it seems like its can be found everywhere!

    1. I took this in Thean Chun and there is another one somewhere around that vicinity...

  12. How come no creamer in the white curry noodles? Then it's no longer 'white' anymore.. hehe

    1. Yes, I do not like the creamer so I didn't add.. just curry Ipoh style instead of Penang.. .

  13. Something is not right with you, Claire!! The crazy weather got to you???

  14. As for me, i blog lesser nowadays. Getting more rest and play more with the kids but the heat is very intense nowadays. Most of the time, we have to hide in the house from the hot sun.

    1. But for the last two days, it rained.. thank God...

  15. Maybe come out with another blog, Claire's thought? kaka....

    1. hey.. great idea... but I wont put Claire... hahaha...

  16. The caramel pudding looks good, I want I want!

  17. Oh yes I have 2 facebooks and 2 blogs too but why do you need to blast out?? Life has been kind to you, I thought. You are welcome to blast inside my blog comments anything be it vulgar or sarcasms at midnight and I will delete them before sunrise, I promise. Muahahahahaha!!

    1. hahahaha..thank you for your offer, TM!! wahhh..you have two FB and 2 blogs ah? how come I dont know one.. secret blog?

  18. My kids love ccf with the sweet sauce..


Thank you, readers!

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