Monday, June 23, 2014

Invitation To A Homecooked Meal

I called up my cell leader around 6pm, wanted to invite her out for a simple dinner.... and to my sheer delight, she told me to go over to her house for dinner instead!  I was more than happy.... hahaha... love homecooked food anytime! 

I was told to go at 7pm and I arrived exactly on time!  Food was already on the table.... and she told me that the dinner was all vegetables and no meat.... Well, that was really FINE with me!  Nowadays I prefer more vegetables to meat....

Due to the yellow lighting in her dining hall, all my pictures turn out this colour.... anyone can help me to edit this to white?  hahahaa... Don't think that is possible, right?
Ok, what's this?
She told me this tastes like Ikan Perut but without the main ingredient...
(Pickled Fish Stomach Curry)
This dish consist of all vegetables only.. including pineapple...
Really appetizing... I love it!
Another vegetable dish... 
Yellow Pepper with green vege (choy sum), enoki and cucumber!
Very sweet and tasty!
My picture is not doing any credit... 
And this is Otak-Otak... very lemak (rich in santan)
She got it from somewhere.... 
Lastly and not least... a bowl of soup that consists of basil, mint, anchovies and egg....
Yummy!!  So full of nutrients, right?
It is not a simple dinner after all.... 
I wouldn't mind coming by now and then, I told her.....
Just give me a tinkle and


  1. Wah you are so lucky and blessed! ;)

    1. Yes, even though it doesnt come regularly.. hahaha...

  2. All of these dishes are my favorite dish, especially the Otak-Otak lo!!! =]

    1. Oh, you love it too? Not many like to take though... :)

  3. wow!!! homecooked one sure nicer, and all those dishes were indeed very interesting, i mean the different ingredients used in very interesting combination.. even the Food Mayor of Ipoh also likes them, your colleague sure was very happy that you like her cooking :)

    1. I don't mind going vegetarian if the dishes are homecooked! Nah... I got to do my own cooking again, so much to learn from others these days.....

  4. Wow, the meal looks real yummy! Always love being invited to a great home-cooked meal!

    1. Yeah.. yellowish meals.. hahaha.. so yellow.. cannot see the dishes clearly..

  5. Nice dinner. Your friend is a good cook and you blessed to be invited. Homecooked is always the best.

    1. Agree with you, Irene... I have been eyeing yours each day! hahaaa..

  6. Claire, your timing is impeccable! Nice vegetarian dishes. For the vegetarian perut ikan dish, one can eat many bowls of rice because it is very appetizing. So the otak-otak does not contain any fish meat too?

    1. Actually it does, the otak otak.. but not those chunky meat... I really must lay off meat for awhile.. vegetables is fine with me these days... more fiber :)

  7. So nice, got home cooked dinner for aunty. You can use some photo editing software to overcome the 'warm' in the pictures. Try snapseed, a free app.

    1. oh really? Ok, I google into it.. so yellow hor...

  8. I don't know how people can cook so many things at once! I can only concentrate on one or else I burn the others! What a nice friend she is to invite you for such a feast!

    1. Oh really Ginny? We do one dish at a time actually... unless one is for frying.. then can handle both at the same time. :)

  9. Can edit. I use Microsoft Photo Viewer to tone down the yellow.

    Come, come. Let me invite you to dinner at my house...again!!!

    1. heehe... THANK YOU!!! I am not shy, sure I would love to go to your house again... presentation on the table is perfectly done too!

    2. Sure I would love to go to your house again.. not only the food is great, even the presentation on the table carries markS ALREADY!

  10. Everything looks good.. I like the first dish.. Looks very hoi wai and yap mei, very cheh-farn too.. Did you eat two plates of rice? Eh, I never think of capsicum+choy sum+cucumber go together, will try it one day..Wow, the otak-otak looks creamy.. Is it fish? Or egg only, since vegetarian..

    1. No, not really fully vegetarian... just that she cooks more vege and no meat except for the otak otak.. nowadays as we age, I prefer to take more greens than reds... hahaha...

  11. Oh. Lucky you to be invited!! ;)

    1. Sometimes we go out for dinner and at times she cook at home.. :) Nice to have homecooked for a change..

  12. iaiya i thought u ajak me home to makan

    1. aiyah... next time shift to my house next door la~ then everyday we sure eat out one... hahaha..

  13. wow..simply scrumptious..yummy..

  14. That was a very good meal! I too do not mind having vege only as I love vege! This sort of food is guilt free and good for health.

    1. hahaha.. I like your word Guilt Free... yes, I wanna be guilt free if possible...

  15. I had a good laugh at your yellow photos! It is funny and you are cute!

    You have nice friends who always invite you to eat. You must be a great company until the cats family would drive there just to meet up.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...