Sunday, June 22, 2014

List of 4 Fun Filled and Learning Games & Activities For Young Kids

This is a digital era where there is an information overload. We are always swamped with flux of information, our kids and young ones are of no exception. The initial teaching of kids starts from their homes when they are babies or little infants, intelligent mothers try to raise their kids in best possible manner, they want their kids to be healthy, active, hardworking, and respectful , in order to instil all these qualities into our babies we forget to give them incentives and involve them into some entertainment activities so that they don’t feel like they have a moral police on them all the time. 

 In this article we have listed some of the fun activities and games for kids. 

         1.   Engage Your Kids with Some Online Games

After a hectic day at school or doing house chores, give an incentive to your kids and allow them to play some of the online flash games. You can carefully select few games or websites for them where they not only entertain themselves, but also learn something new, e.g these baby hazel games for kids are designed in a way that kids can learn manners, they can learn on how to navigate around vehicles, how to take care of their pets, what to do when you get an injured, how to have safe fun. Like aforementioned baby hazel gaming portal, there are many other sites where you can find amazing fun games for your kids.


         2.  Watch Favourite Movies for Kids

This is another indoor activity which kids love, this will help you bond with your kids even stronger and since these days there has been a lot of advancement in technology that movies which are specifically made for kids, can also be enjoyed by adults and that means you won’t likely be bored watching some favourite movies or cartoons with them. Home alone is one of my all time favourite child hood movie, beside that some of the cartoon movies and comics are also of great interest to kids, such as if you have a young babies, they are likely to have fun watching baby hazel cartoon videos, beside that if they are bit older, you can buy them movies related to Disney land princesses or action figures like Ninja turtles etc.

     3.  Indoor Interactive Activities and Games

While it’s good that you allow your kids to play online games, but in order to make sure they don’t get addicted to them, you should design and engage them in some indoor and interactive games and activities as well, activities where they can have fun as well as learn some social manners. Following are some of the very interactive and fun living games.

  • Indoor Sandbox, this is one of the favourite indoor game for both babies and kids.
  • Beanbag Race, this is where all kids grab one their favourite color beanbag and race.
  • Tell a Story, this shall engage kids for a while, it shall teach them on how to be elaborative, engaging , entertaining and shall also help them be more compassionate.
  • Indoor Tent, you can play that by putting a blanket on floor and poking it up with a stick, give flash light to your kid and allow them to play with toys inside.

       4.  Some Skill Building Activities

Skill building games and activities can help kids in their practical lives as well, these will help evolve their brains and make good use of their time when they are free. You should help pick them some of the activities or give them ideas of what they can do and at times they will mesmerize as well as surprise you. Following could be some of the skill building activities.

  • How to prepare or bake their favourite snacks.
  • Teach them some science activities they can ponder around in the back yard with their friends e.g they can inhale a bit of helium from balloons and speak in very thin voice, explain them why it’s like that.
  • Encourage them to save some of their pocket money so that they can buy some of their favourite stuff or buy daddy a father’s day gift and mother’s day gift for mommy. This shall teach them important money saving skill as well as build compassion for parents.
At the end I would say, do not limit yourself with these activities, run your imagination and come up with series of games and activities where your kids can have a lot of fun as well as learn something new.


  1. If only I am a kid again, then I can do all these fun filled learning games!

  2. This is interesting! I wanna be a kid again.

  3. Looking so great blog with full of fun fill post. happy to read this kind of post.

  4. This is an interesting game. Thanks for sharing it. Please, visit this site.


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