Friday, June 20, 2014

Lithuanian Artist Ernest Zacharevic In Ipoh

During our long lunch hour this afternoon, Elin and I went to a number of places... from old town, we went to Ipoh Garden to do some banking, then to Kampong Simee to have laksa for lunch, then back to old town to catch some desserts and finally back to office around 2.30pm...
We were here initially.... but there was no parking so we left for Ipoh Garden.... 
Then we came back again to this place to look for a parking...
See how "Jam" the place is.....
But we managed to find one parking eventually.... phewww....
We were right outside the coffeeshop....
And there was a big crowd there...
I thought someone is "filming" initially....
People of all ages are so fascinated.... 
So... this is the reason for the crowd....
Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic!
Not wanting to be left out, Elin and I joined in .....
 He is obviously oblivious of the crowd... 
Fully concentrated.....
 That was about it, I suppose....
 A few more touch ups ...
 and he is ready to go....
That's it!   
Good Job Done!
The crowd has gone..... we went for our desserts...
Soon it was time for us to go too...
Back to Office!


  1. HUh? You guys stood under the sun waiting for him to complete that paint? Waited for how long? :O

  2. Wah! Watching the artist himself?

  3. thanks for the sharing! i am in ipoh right now and will hit to the place tomorrow :)

  4. wow!!! Ernest Zacharevic was there!! you were lucky to have seen him in action!! so he also left the stools and books there ah?? aiyah, no worried they will be gone the next day or perhaps the next few hours or minutes meh??

    wah, Claire as young and pretty as the girl in red woh~~ :p

    1. Right timing...tot some filming was being done... Girl in red.. Sounds scary or not... Lol...

  5. How nice to be able to catch him in action! I wonder whether he was commissioned to do the drawing or not. Nice photo of you standing beside the little girl.

    1. Not sure about the commission thing...bur hears that he is holding a solo art exhibition in penang...

  6. Must be a very good feeling to accomplish so much during the few hours of lunch time. What desserts did you and Elin eat?

    1. We took herbal black jelly....forgot to take picture...:)

  7. What a really good picture he painted!!!!

    1. Yes..he did quit a number of murals.... Very artistic...

  8. He was in Kuching some few months ago and he drew two orang utans, one swinging from a branch and another sitting in a wheelbarrow. He is such a good artist. This picture is almost like the one in Penang but this one is a girl instead of a boy.

    1. Yeah..on those small windows which are toilets from inside actually... :)

  9. Truly talented and good looking too! I would ask for a selfie with him. Ooooo...I love that HSBC building, the colonial awesome!!! Don't get to see that around here anymore. think you're getting healthier these days or in Malay, they will tell you, "Bertambah sihat, nampak?" LOL!!!!

    1. Yes i love the colonial building too... It looks very grand there at the corner....

  10. A good looking man! Why you didnt take photo with him?? Lol!

    Nice mural.

    1. No la,,, dont think he will entertain... Lol...

  11. Lucky you to see a great artist in action. Yah, why didn't you take a pix with him?

    1. Actually I never thought of it...and come to think of it, I dont think he will considering the crowd

  12. wow, you caught in action! Such good opportunity!

  13. Good that you all have 2 hours lunch on fri...

  14. Wah woman, you really geng.. So hard to find parking also still wana go that place.. Really determined wor.. If me ahh I prefer to just sit in the office or ok can merayap, but janji not I drive la, teehee..

  15. Aikks, now commenting needs approval?

  16. You should have climbed up on another chair and pretend to peeped inside the toilet window!!! Wakakaka


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...