Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sweet Temptations On A Weekend

My weekend pocket money is spent on the King... of the Fruits aka Durian. A tropical fruit which cannot be "smuggled" or hidden anywhere, its strong fragrant will give it away.  Durian lovers like me love the smell and the taste of it anytime...with one exception.... please stay away far-far when the burping comes!  Don't say I never warn ye... hahahahaa....
King of the Fruits... 
Until today I still don't know how to choose nice ones... 
Have to depend on the vendor... he will do the choosing and opening....
There it goes.... the "baby" is born...
This type of seeds at the corner is the best!
But some look "lumpy" like this... 
Reminded me of some "brainy" stuff..... hahahaa...
If crinkled like this, its ok!
Vendor told me the whitish kind of durian is Bitterish....
And normally the yellow ones are sweet!

After all being opened and paid, I carried my "treasures" home...
I will keep them in the freezer... 
And whenever I take my dinner, I will take out a few as a "Sidedish..
Something like this old picture here...  :)
Durians are heaty for our bodies...
So it is advisable to take lots of cooling drink to "neutralize" it...
I took two bowls of "herbal jelly"

My kind of desserts... 
Durian with Herbal Jelly


  1. wah... you are really a super duper fan of durian eh?

  2. My favourite fruit too! I am so jelly to see you eat them. Yum yum! I know a few commenters of yours will say no thank you but not me.

    1. hahahaa.. I am prepared for it... not everyone likes... some stay far far away from them... !

  3. When I eat durian I will not dare to eat rice cos all carbs. Scared of sugar overload.

    1. Oh no, now I am worried and I am so much older than you! :o

    2. Not that much older. A bit only. :)

    3. You are pulling my leg... you are only 38... :)

    4. 10 over years younger!! How I wish I am 43 again!! hahahaa....

    5. but not 20 years so a little bit only la. ;p

  4. What type of durian did you buy? How much per kg? The other day I posted the durian I ate on my food blog - rm18/kg the name is hor lor durian. Too bad you don't comment on my food blog or else we can cakap cakap durian there and here. :)

    1. oh really? I am so sorry, I didn't realize it... I will go there shortly!! I don't know what durians to buy.. just say I want bitter or sweet.... the yellow ones is called 101 cost RM10kg... the bitter one is $15kg... and it cost RM23 for one... not cheap eh...

    2. Ya not cheap or else I will eat it everyday in place of rice during durian season. You did comment on my food blog before (the 2nd post) but guess too many blogs for you to bloghop until it skipped your mind. Hope to see you there often! :D

    3. Oh, which one, Mun? I really cannot remember.. just now I went to your blog, I cannot find the durian post! :) Please show me...

    4. This is the post:

      on my other blog.

    5. Thanks for letting me know.. I didn't know you have another Live to Eat blog!! hehehe.. I like the title!

    6. Thanks, Now please don't be alarmed, ok? If you look at this post's comment, you can see your name there, hehehe:

    7. My goodness!! I really cannot recall that comment... hahha.. guess I have to add your blog to my daily reads above... :) I might forget again in a couple of months time!

  5. Brainy stuff, LOL!
    You sure are a durian fan!

  6. They say put salt water in the shell and drink - no problem with heatiness. Use to wash fingers too - no more durian smell. Dunno how true. I'm not a fan of durian - though I love durian desserts.

    1. How about your wife and Melissa, do they like durians?

  7. I was at Geylang just now, a lot of durians there, but now weather so hot, and no craving, so didn't buy and et, hehe....

    1. Don't buy better... save money.. not cheap to eat durians nowadays....

  8. I like durian eaten on its own, not with rice. You have good appetite, eh...3 seeds of durian, 1 big drum stick, some long beans & 2 bowls of guilinggao. Full & satisfying.

    1. Oh, by the way, that plate of rice is an old picture... I used to eat rice like that... and the guilinggao is not taken immediately after a meal but some time after.... heheehe...

  9. aiyoh, durians again!! somemore as a dish with rice!! hahaha.. No, thank you!! hehehehe~~ :p

    1. Durian season ma... how often we can have durians... :)

  10. Oh my! So jealous!!!!!!!!

    But I bet SK doesn't care much about this post. LOL

    1. hahahaa... it is either love or hate in this post! hahahaa...

  11. Love the yellow durians!! I like bitter sweet ones. And must be aromatic, definitely not Thai durians.

    1. Of course not Thai ones... they are too enormous! hahaha.. like eating buns.. .

  12. Call me jakun, I didn't know durian can be eaten with rice.. I thought eat it as it is, or made into desserts like kuih or puff or cakes.. But with rice? Hmm... Same like you, until today, I still dunno how to choose a good durian.. Kena con also I won't know.. But I'm not a fan of durian, so it's ok, coz I won't buy also ma, haha..

    1. Louiz, what you don't like will save you some money.. hahaha... nowadays durians can be costly unless you know the vendor or the owner.. then can get for free too.. some of them have too much so have to give away to friends..... hahaha...

  13. Wow nice combination.. durian and herbal jelly! Haven't eaten durians for a while now but they are available here. Very expensive though.. maybe like $20-30/kg!! Must eat more when I'm back home! LOL!

    1. Yeah, not worth eating over here.. hahaaha.. come back and eat puas puas until it lasts for another year or so...

  14. Not really like it coz it's give me an allergic and fever hehee. But I enjoyed watching my friends hunting for it.

    1. Oh, sorry to hear that.. durians can be very heaty, yes.. I agree...

  15. Ok...I am well now. I want durian badly!

  16. I thought I am the King of Durians though I never blog-burped them before. So you must be a Durian Queen lah. Kasi chance dei.
    I would only eat them if the flesh is yellow or even orange! So yummy and heavenly! I think that's the best fruit, the heavens have ever planted on earth for you and I. Muahahahaha


Thank you, readers!

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