Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Tongue Is Sharper Than A Sword

As I grow older, I realize I am changed... my character changed...

I am no more a patient woman....I could feel my heart pumping fast and blood shoots up in my brain when I am impatient... especially when I am waiting for someone who takes her/his own sweet time not to bother... once he/she goes into my car, I would burst out..."Hey, don't play with my time, OK?"  And once the words came out from my mouth, I could feel myself cooling down BUT in a matter of minutes, I would regret what I have said....

during my younger days, I didn't care... I never othered to explain myself.... I kept my cool cos I was a very patient lady... *younger days means 20s, 30s and 40s*

Now?  If anyone misunderstands my intentions, I "explode" and "burst" into pieces... literally....

I will rant out in terms of emails or whatsapp... or whatever that connects... I cannot keep to myself...
BUT in a matter of minutes too, I will regret again...."What have I done?"  Too late... my outburst has done the damage...

In situations like these, I realize that I really need to keep my cool... quick temper is not good... I must learn how to breathe....
Deep breath.... then release...
Deep breath and then release... 
Deep breath... and release...
This helps....
Don't be impatient like me...
Laughter is still the Best Medicine....
As in Neil Sedaka's song..
Laughter in the rain, walking hand in hand..
But in this case..
Laughter in the sunshine...


  1. My patience also not good, usually i try control till cant control, i burst out...

    1. It sounds like we are like balloons, Sharon! haahaaaa

  2. Is it due to ahem ahem - cannot mention openly here - you know what I mean, every woman will get this or rather will not get this when our years exceed 50.

    1. Yes, it is due to the ahem ahem partly.. patience runs out more swiftly than those non-ahem days....

  3. I am sure you can regain your patience since by nature when you are young you are a patient person. I am not a patient person even when young. Must chant together with you - deep breath...then release..

    1. Hope it works.. but you know, bursting out at that very moment is very fulfilling.. then only regret if some words are not meant to be exploded out from the mouth...

  4. Very nice photo - you look very good. Nice green surroundings too.

    1. I should be like this.. laugh and be merry... :)

  5. Why sounds like my mom geh? LOL

  6. Indeed.

    Patience is a virtue and I am also trying hard to be virtuous. ^^

    p.s. that is a nice photo. Very leng :)

    1. Oh really.. thank you... I dare not put my grumpy old face... must be encouraging.. hahahaaa

  7. Actually I am a very impatient person too! They say parenting can train us to become more patient but it doesn't work on me, haha xD
    Anyway, just try to calm down whenever things happen, breath in breath out... That's what Yoga always teaches me to do ;)

    1. And also laughter is the best medicine.. so laugh more a silly woman also never mind.. LOL..

  8. As we get older, our time is more and more precious! And we do not need to waste it! Lots of people do not appreciate this. Your blood pressure likely goes up, too. It is good you know all this and are working on it, no one is perfect! and for sure the others need to work on being prompt, or you should not take them anymore!

    1. Ginny, no matter how, I think some characters die hard.. they are still taking their own sweet time.. that is when the blood boils.. hahaha... the other way to overcome it, I do it this way.. give another 10 minutes before scheduled time..

  9. I am a very patience person when young but my patience has limit. I roughly understand why you lost your patience easily now as I came across too. You looks slim in that photo. Take a deep breathe then release would do,some good.

    1. Yes, I will try to suppress my impatience from now on when it comes to waiting... and if there is any misunderstanding, I will try not to burst out ... will try...

  10. Ohhhhh???? But I'm the opposite. Mellowed over the years. Not getting angry easily, not bothered about little little things. Life is too short to waste on those - take it easy, relax, be happy!

    1. Wow...good for you then.. or should I say, good for others too??? hahahaa...whatever it is, I hope I will mellow down too.. cannot step on my tail, (as if I have one... )

    2. Eh, I am just like STP who are opposites from you...though I have not aged. Ahem! ...Age is just a number la. STP still kid around the bloggers and pull our legs like school times! All for fun and laughs.

      I was wild, impulsive and quick tempered when I was younger. I thought we would mellow down as we aged. That means Claire is getting younger and younger each day leading you to be less patient, energetic & what nots. Wkakakakaka Just be happy la Claire and eating watermelon can cool you down!

  11. Eh, kam ngam geh.. I have all the above.. And I'm still doing it now.. My blood boils and shoots up to my face and my whole face will become red if I'm mad or something.. Or when I behtahan someone/something.. And when I hear something about me which is not true, I'll explode and explain myself too.. I think I need to learn to "fong hoi dit", or "tai hoi dit".. Sigh..

    1. You are a Real Princess ma!! Sure can fatt sitt one... got right to! hahaha... Anyway, fatt sitt or chut hei is good for us once awhile..only don't end up fighting... hahaha..

  12. Lovely photo of you, Claire. Oh dear, the menopause symptom??

    Psst, telling you the truth I am also am impatient person. Hate when people wasting time and I never like to wait. And I still am now but muxh better at compromise. People xant be perfect I realise.

    1. Yeah, I guess we have to accept that.. the perfect part, I mean... have to overlook their weaknesses as we too have in us but don't realise it as well..

  13. Me too very geram with people who take their own sweet time! But I tend to bottle it inside but it shows on my grumpy face hah..hah...Keeping cool is easier said than done. But as I get older, I am much more patient but still sometimes I do get irritable. So, I shall take your advise and do more deep breathing and laugh more!

    1. I talk only.. hope I will be able to control.. this morning saja, I have to wait again... so I got down from the car and went into the building and wait.. don't like to sit in the car with the air con on.. wasting my petrol and polluting the road.. hahaha...

  14. Claire, I also a very patient lady when I was in is moderate.hahah. Sometimes I get very impatient too especially waiting for someone and I try not to be late. I hardly rant but if I start to burst out my feelings,is not good.hahahha

    I wish you well, Claire. Probably lots more exercise can help to tone down our anxieties and stress.

    1. You are a very patient lady, Ling.. can see from the way you discipline your girls.. so sweet and patient.. carry on.. you are doing just great!

  15. James 1:19 - My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

    1. No wonder you speak so slow, bro!!

    2. I could imagine ChrisAu's cool personality from his photos!! LOL

    3. The meaning of the verse is to think before you act or speak and listen attentively. Just heard from my Pastor.

  16. We wrestle with these human issues

    “Few people have the imagination for reality. ”
    ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    “Few people have the imagination for reality. ”
    ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  17. Claire I love this post and I love the photo you posted here too. Is it taken from Taiping Lake Garden.

  18. As I working with my hot tempered sisters who always get angry on small small thing, I'm already get used to it, and train to be very high EQ already, hehe!! =]

    1. Then I must learn from you, Sheta!! Now I am beginning to be grumpy too!

  19. I'm very impatient too when I was young and not married that time. But when I become people's wife, being a daughter to my PIL and a mother of two; I've change totally the way I act in work and at home too. Listen first never so fast jump to conclusion, you'll never know we may hurt someone.

    1. For me right now, everything also I don't mind, seldom complain as long as my kids are happy I'm happy too.

    2. Good for you, Angeline! I was all the time patient.. and I guess as I grow older, it is wearing thinner and thinner... so cannot "bully" me liow.. hahaa...

  20. hmm, interesting to know... I always thought people mellow down and get more patient as they grow older... die lar, i'm already so impatient and hot-headed, wonder how i'll be when i'm older :)

    but as always, health comes first yeah, take care and try to control those explosions, don't want to raise your blood pressure too much

  21. Hello Yanz, how have you been?? It has been a long while.. and I cannot locate your blog now. Hope you come back to read this and continue to keep in touch... How is your baby? Hope you and your family are doing great!


Thank you, readers!

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