Thursday, July 24, 2014

Algerian Plane Missing?

Oh No... Is that true?  I just got the news from my friend in watsapp.... missing plane again?  What is happening in our world these days?  One after another, the distressing and tragic news come...

I just googled about the Algerian plane and the following news from
  • An Air Algerie airliner has vanished en route from Burkina Faso to Algiers across the Sahara
  • Flight AH5017 had 110 passengers on board, including some 50 French citizens, as well as six Spanish crew members
  • The plane was chartered from Spain's Swiftair
  • UN officials suggest the plane may have come down in north-eastern Mali in bad weather 
I hope it is false alarm... it is not true... just too much to handle all at once...
The more I read online, the sadness begin to grow deeper and if I don't hold myself back, I feel I can just burst into tears thinking about them.   At that moment of time, I tore myself from dwelling further.... I feel I am getting old...

Too much sad news...

I tell myself... Treasure our love ones... be them parents, siblings, spouses, kids....
We never know how much we can be with them....
Do not hold grudges with anyone... life is not worth feeling unforgiving....

I miss my kids.... going to call them now...


  1. Pray that God will guide and guard before take off...and upon landing, say a little prayer to give thanks and leave everything in His hands. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    1. Live each day like it is your last. Be happy always. Life is too short to be unhappy, miserable, angry, all those negative feelings... Count our blessings and give thanks always - this would make life feel more meaningful and worthwhile.

    2. Amen!! Too much happenings nowadays that it is difficult to digest... not only our nation news even personal life news are involved.. needs time to overcome..

  2. I saw the sharing in FB, hope it's not true...

    1. This morning radio news.. they cannot locate the fate of the passengers yet..

  3. besides this, there is also Taiwan plane crash...

  4. I am sad and at the same time scare to hear the bad news one after another. Hope it is not true. Always say a little prayer to our Lord for safe journey whenever we go anywhere, far or near.

    1. Yes, each day before we set out anywhere.. in all circumstances give thanks too..

  5. Between the Air France crash and MH370 is 4 years gap. MH370 and MH17 is 4 months gap. Now double crash in a day, after a week of MH17. What the hell is going on? It is getting more and more frequent!

    1. Air traffic is considered the safest so far.. but the chances of survival is the very least... scary..

  6. It is on TV news and the plane is still missing. It makes me sad and emo too. I wonder what is in the sky that planes go missing like a Bermuda Triangle.

    1. I heard air traffic is very heavy too... one after another the plane is following each other... when we put ourselves in the victims' families' shoes, it is really sad..

  7. Latest news online is that the plane has crashed. Really feels like the twilight zone now.

  8. My heart goes out to all those families with loved ones on board this flight and also the Taiwan plane. Praying for all of them to be strong in this difficult time.

    1. Feel for them.. too much to digest... one after another... MH370 is still so clear in our minds..

  9. We certainly need to hold our loved ones close and always tell them how much we love them. The world is getting more and more evil, just like the bible predicted.

  10. Yeah read about the news too..In FB this morning, was hoping its not true.. But I heard its in the news now.. My prayers with them..

    1. I heard bad weather was the cause for the Taiwan and Algerian plane...

  11. ....and air travel used to be one of the safest mode to travel according to a survey some time how? Pray they find it soon

    1. Yes, least accidents and also least survivors... traveling is no more a fun journey...

  12. So many air disasters suddenly. Last weekend I cried when I saw photos of the crash victims. I heard this morning from my partner that the Algerian plane was found. So sad.

  13. Is year of disaster of aviation... =[

  14. Now a bit phobia thinking of flying!

  15. Sigh .... don't fly for a while and holiday locally. And pray more and obey God's words.

  16. Another air disaster making the news today - in Taiwan possibly due to bad weather according to reports.
    48 dead and rising.

    Good advice about treasuring the people around us and spending more time with them and not forgetting to let them we love them. :D

    Hi Claire!

    1. Yes, I hope no more more air disasters.. weather here in Ipoh is also bad.. hazy...

  17. So many unfortunate news these days :/


Thank you, readers!

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