Sunday, August 17, 2014

Serenedipity By Jo

I want to thank you Joanna Chia from Serendipity for this wonderful gift she has given me...

 An excerpt from her blog....

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon when my mother took out an old fashion magazine, and much to my fascination tore out a colourful glossy page. Her hands worked meticulously, rolling up triangles of former glossy editorials and I watched as she taught me how to make my first string of paper beads. When we were not out chasing rainbows and sunsets at the beach, I delighted in dough beads, her kneading and baking whilst I clumsily painted over tiny doughnuts of imagination. 
​I may have found joy in nanotechnology research, but something inside me nagged to be set free. Years later on a restless Saturday afternoon, I picked up a few beads and some gold wire, working tirelessly for hours, shaping the rainbows and sunsets of my childhood. As I watched the crystal beads winking in a light dimmed so many years back, I knew then that I would never feel more alive. 

​Serendipity is a glimpse of a journey that started way back from that first string of paper beads. The rest, as they say, is history. Thank you for giving me the pleasure of sharing these happy coincidences with you.

One of Serendipity's exotic gems....
There are more exquisite designs and styles in her blog here..


  1. Good luck to her in her enterprise. Very nice, lovely! Come, take selfie of you wearing them...and share.

    1. Sure!! Wait till I wear a nice dress to match them first... otherwise spoil the earrings... hahaha..

  2. Very beautiful pair of earrings. Nice piece of work. All the best to Joanna.

  3. Lovely. ..:)

    She is currently creative too and with good heart. You know, part of the profit goes to charity

    1. If I have the creativity, I also would like to do something.. hahahaa.. but wait till I retire... :)

  4. What wonderful gifts! You will look very good in the deep blue earrings! She is very generous.

  5. Serendipity in layman term means pleasant surprise, very apt gift for that :)

    1. Is it? Thank you for sharing.. hahaha.. nice earrings!~

  6. Very lovely earrings. Wonderful colour.

  7. eh, i though it was a youtube video by jinnyboy TV~~

    (A Growing Teenager Diary)

  8. Lovely! Will you be wearing it often?

  9. Hope you wear it and take picture for us to see, hehe...

  10. Oh.. I know the co-founder! Another online boutique making its mark on the Internet! :)

  11. Nice blings you have! Did you buy a new dress to match?


Thank you, readers!

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