Tuesday, September 16, 2014

3D Mural Art Street And Anti Gravity Moments In Penang

It is only a shophouse but I am amazed that they have partitioned the rooms and spaces that I felt I was walking through a mansion. Partition after partition and we were led up the wooden stairs.. One of my slippers came off half way and nearly landed on the ground floor .. and if it did, someone hadto go down and get it back for me... *grin*  

Alright, I have digressed again...

Upon reaching the second floor landing, we were greeted with 3D paintings on the walls... there are some stickers at the side to "teach" us how to pose and get it right....  I guess the younger generation will love to be part of this "excitement" here....
Expressions are important when it comes to 3D pictures...
The photographer also plays a part....
Friendly staff are everywhere to give some "suggestions" on how to react....
The rest will be up to individual....
No academy award for this expression... 
But at least he enjoyed himself tremendously.....
So did she! 
 Giant Nasi Lemak!!
I shouldn't be in this picture... but I couldn't resist...
Oh dear, I really look like a food glutton here!
Someone is getting his ears cleaned.... 
I missed out something here...
The Magician's head! 
Soon we were taken on a "cruise"
Row, row, row our boat... gently down the stream...
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...
Life is but a Dream!
Soon we entered the Anti-Gravity room....
We were told to pose like this....
Well, I guess this is it!
The highlight of the Time Tunnel....
Soon we were led to another stairs to go down...
And were given some souvenirs before we left...
Nice adventure here... 
An eye opener for me...



  1. I would want to come here the next time I hop over to Penang.

    1. Yes, yes. Do go visit Penang.

    2. Besides makan makan... Your girl might like this place :)

  2. So syiok, fun place to visit. The youngsters know how to pose so well. My son is planning to go to Penang with his friends this December, should ask him to go & visit this place. Love all the pictures. Worth going.

    1. I agree with you that the youngsters really know how to pose convincingly but Claire also poses well too.

    2. Tell him to bring along his student card :). I heard kl also has one but I haven't

    3. I mean to say that I haven't been there before... Using my hp to reply has it's glitch 😜

    4. Thank you Mun .. But not convincingly well hahaaaa

  3. Replies
    1. Very true. This is a must visit. :)

    2. Better bookmark it.., go with a group of frens .. Very fun ..

  4. I love all the photos Claire, especially the anti gravity ones. Really looks like everyone is floating in the air! Superb!

    1. Heard nowadays this is the happening in many places.. I dint know only .. Hahaaa

  5. Hahaha! Too cute, Claire! You should try the ones in SG too.

    1. Yes my son told me the same thing .. Next time must go gif the sg one..

  6. Hahaha Cute!
    Love it! :)
    Everyone is so sporting and happy there :)

    1. Eye opener for us ... Everything is wahhhhh.. Hahaaa...

  7. I enjoyed looking at your photos and poses, but if I go, I will probably be tired after 2 or 3 poses XD

    1. Think of the ticket and you might want to pose more ! :)

  8. Very funny and cute photos!
    I haven't got chance to visit this museum yet~

  9. hahaha.... seems there are lot of these 3D exhibits lately.

  10. LOL, must be very tiring to pose eh?

    1. For youngsters where got tired one! That includes me heheee

  11. Wow, wow, wow Claire!!!! Such FUN. Each picture is amazing! I have never heard of this before. How is he levitating above the bed?? So mysterious! I cannot take my eyes off each one.

    1. That is the mystery and gimmick Ginny! Very creative here.

  12. Call me jakun, but this is the first time I see that anti-gravity-room thingy! I like! Superlike! I've seen this in the TV la, something to do with some cartoon character house, I forgot, and people pose like that too, or they call it the upside down house, something like that.. I really like all poses in the pictures, very "correctly" taken/posed (sorry for my broken England), thanks to the sticker instructions at the side..

    1. Yes with stickers around they help a lot but the staff there also will assist us ..

  13. yeah, i am indeed impressed, all these happening in just a small shophouse.. so creative and i can see you guys having so much fun in there.. i also want to visit this place, but guess it's quite packed with people huh?? especially like the Anti-Gravity Room, hahaha, that is just pure awesomeness!! :)

  14. Unexpectedly it was not crowded wor.. No heed to line up or wait.. Maybe good timing ...

  15. hah..hah...so fun posing like that! Will check this place out if I go to Penang!

  16. Hahah..the last photo was awesome!

  17. It was fun! Really amazing art. I like the last pic.

  18. Waaah! Waaaah! So interesting and unique murals. I love that photos showing the gluttons and sampan ride! Very well acted and photographed! Clap Clap Clap my fat hands!!!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...