Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Minor Operation In Hospital

My girl has a small "boil" at her eyelid. It was there for more than a month already.  She has been to two GP already and they have advised her to do surgery otherwise it will not go off.  Since it is now semester break, I took her to see Eye Specialist and he confirmed that a minor surgery has to be done.  Today is the day of the operation... she couldn't sleep well the night before.... thinking of the pain especially after watching ON CALL 36 the night before.  :)

But I know my girl.. she is full of courage even though she told me that she was very anxious and fearful about the surgery...
 She has been very cheerful from the moment she stepped in the hospital.....
I really admire her for that... 
As a mother, I worry...
But she gave me the assurance...
She was taken to the operation room around 10am...
And came out after 1pm....
Seems she waited for more than an hour inside...

While waiting to be discharged, we passed our time hanging out with each other in the room....
Both of us slept... she on the bed, me on the chair.... 
I thought it would take a couple of hours... but no... 
We waited for many hours for the discharge letter...
We were finally "free to go" only by 8pm!
And the bill?
It came to more than RM2K!
Poor insurance.... 


  1. Good that the operation went well ;)
    Imagine how much you already paid in premiums, the only poor party here is you :D

    1. hahahaa... you got a point there too.. so now like redeeming my points la!

  2. glad to her that everything went well and your girl was as cheerful as she has always been!! well, poor insurance?? they will never rugi one lah, you are paying the premiums and don't have to even thank them~~ :p

    1. Well, we really don't like to use them, right? Who wants to get hospitalized... but then it is more or less an assurance that we do not have to pay the hefty bills.... now we are like paying instalments for them...

  3. Love her positive energy.

    Recover soon!

  4. Good to see her being brave and cheerful. Speedy recovery to her. Did she go under full GA (general anaesthetic)?

  5. Glad that all went well. You must be really nervous waiting for her when she was in the OT that long. Speedy recovery now...

    1. Yes, as a mother, we worry all the time, right? :)

  6. You are such a good mom, right there with your girl the whole time! She did not need o worry because I know you did enough worrying for both of you! How long will her eye have to be covered?

    1. Not sure, later we will go to the clinic to take off the bandages...

  7. You are a good mum.. Hope she's recovering well and I know she is already well by now.. Lucky covered by insurance.. If I'm her also I'd be nervous.. And scared too.. But maybe I still can pretend to smile.. Hehe..

    1. hehehe.. yes, you will... smile for the camera! Once it is over, it is kind of a relief.. we mothers do not like to think of the pain they are suffering..

  8. Poor thing! One-eye Jack! Hope she gets well soon. Take care, keep clean...and watch what she eats in the meantime - no prawns, no crabs.

    1. She is not into no worries.. took porridge only! heehehe..

  9. Glad to hear that all went well. My eldest girl had a similar operation when she was 4 years old. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Rgds, KG

  10. Glad that everything went smoothly. Hope she has a speedy recovery. Take care & God Bless.

  11. At least covered by insurance. Because the hospital needed to get clearance from insurance company so once done then they can discharged you. That the case for my Jay who been admitted twice. Took them such long time to discharge us.

    Wish your girl a speedy recovery!

    1. Yes, one whole day... till night.. hahaha... waiting is the agony..

  12. She's such a brave girl! Well done to the both of you. Finally no need to worry about the eye anymore :)

    1. Yes, at least one obstacle gone.. must take care too..

  13. She is really 1 tough gal, still can happily play with her phone some more. Good gal ;)

  14. Glad to hear everything is good now. Mom and girl also feel relief now.

  15. I'm glad that the operation went well! Brave girl :)

  16. Claire, sure your girl going to be fully recovered very soon. Don't worry ! She'll be fine.
    Blessings, Kristy

  17. she's so brave, even can smile before and after the surgery...

  18. I got goose bumps hearing about eye surgery. I am wondering how this 'boil' happened. I have been going in-out hospitals with both my aged parents until i told myself to stay healthy and take preventive measures. You are such a wonderful and good mummy always!

    1. Not really a good one.. I am also lazy one.. hahahaa..
      Just now I asked the doc.. it is caused by blocked oily glands inside the eye... it accumulates and became infected.. so hygiene of the eye is also very important..

    2. Thanks for sharing the info. I will wash my eyes more often!

  19. Hope she got fully recover soon, you're really good mom stay at the hospital with her, last time my eye surgery my mom didn't even go visit me, and the rest just came for awhile only, hehe!! =]


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