Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bug Off With Malaysia Bugslock

I think I am a very sweet lady.... Well.... I have never heard anyone saying that to me before but the mosquitoes certainly did!  

Alright, let me prove a point here... whenever I am in my mother's house, a few of us would gather at the table and chit chat and then guess what?  I am always the one ended up "spanking" my own legs and scratching here and there.... then after awhile, I could see the bitten part "bulging" up from my skin!  Urghh... Why me???   I always ask my siblings and their answer will be... "YOU are very sweet!"  What a nice compliment, a compliment that brings forth itchiness..... 

Well, it doesn’t just happen in my mom's house, the mozzies seem to be following me everywhere.  While taking my pet dog for evening walks, very often my legs will end up being bitten.  Nowadays I have to put on long pants and long sleeves whenever I go for evening walks.   As we all know, Denggi is on the rise now... it is better to take precautions than to be sorry later, right?

Anyway, my problem is now overcome!  All because of Bugslock, a mosquito repellent which was recommended by my friend quite recently.   Initially I did not know what it is until I logged into their website and to my delight, it is some sort like a band that repels mosquitoes!  But I also heard that there are some imitations of Bugslock in the market so we got to be careful too.   The ones that I ordered  have certification from Korea Environment & Merchandise Testing Institure and registered under US Environmental Protection Agency.    More information can be obtained from  
I chose Blue, Pink and Green....
And it comes with a zip opening... 
I can put it back when I am not using it...
Non-toxic ....Safe to use..
1-4 pieces, it cost RM13 each
5-9 pieces, it is RM12 each
 One of the colours I ordered.... A nice Blue...
It has a lemongrass smell and I like it!
For the past few days, I wore it on my hand when I went for my evening walks...
I came home without scratching and I was wearing shorts! 
Looks like it is effective for me.....
The band is adjustable.... I can even wear it around my ankle... 
Well, I am going to give the other two to my daughter..
She is also very "mosquito prone"....
I'm so glad I have Bugslock...
I don't have to use the spray repellent anymore... 


  1. Me terbalik.. Hubby and the boys always are the ones who will kena the mozzies first.. I pulak somemore can say 'hah got mosquitos meh, why I tak kena geh?' haha..

  2. Phiak!!!...phiak!!!...irritating mozzies. This is someting new to me. Just wear around the wrist or ankle will do,eh. I think in the long run, the mozzies will sooner or later immune to it. How much per pack?

    1. Irene, please check out this website... The prices are there.. cheap only..

  3. I'm considered very lucky, the mosquitoes always bite my sister, not me,every time she was there, I don't have to worry anymore, hehe!!

    1. hahahaa... so nice!! Like what my siblings said to me too..

  4. the mosquitoes always like to bite me and suck my blood, i heard blood type O are most liked by mosquitoes!! this Bugslock thing will be very useful for me if i can keep the mosquitoes 500m away from me and i can have good sleep at night!!

    1. Oh no wonder la... Me O O ... and all along I thought my blood is sweet!

  5. Wow, this is so cool! No sticky lotions. How long will it last? We have been getting bit by what we all call "no see ums". Meaning they are so tiny that you can't see them.

    1. Not sticky only the smell of lemongrass or something...

  6. Replies
    1. Hey Realgunners, here it is... The link is actually in my post... hope this helps..

  7. This is a very useful product especially with dengue around. Your photo of wearing it around the ankle is so cute, hehehehe. Better buy more to give to your daughter.

    1. Yes, I got a few and see how it goes... when she finishes them, then I will replenish again..

  8. Ok, it works? Gotta look out for it then.

    1. Check out the website here..

  9. I have them - a gift from Twilight Man some time ago but never use yet. Hahaha

    1. Good for you, Lina.. especially you go jungle trekking.. and jogging...

    2. Apa lah...this Lina confessed here. Next time I give to Claire and she will use it right away.

  10. I think I need these too, Claire! Is your blood group B too? I'm also always the first one kenna bitten. Lol!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When we go to the park, we have to rush back at certain time to prevent bitten by mozzies. This is good when I bring my girls to play at the park.

    1. I hope they work for you and your girls, Ling...

  13. the mozzies like 'O' type blood and prefer women blood more than men. At home I kena the most coz I m the only female with 'O' type...I need the band desperately...

    1. Is it really true that they attack 0 blood? That's the first time I heard about it.. Ok, hope you find the bands effective.. !

  14. My girl used to be bitten by mozzies. But since I bought Melaleuca oil for her to use, I didn't hear any more complaints abt mozzies bites fr her.

  15. I tried something similar on Aden when he was few months old, but not really effective.
    Now using the MosiGuard repellent, it works!

  16. Yay! Now the mozzies would not think you as a sweet lady anymore! ^^

    Thanks for the product sharing. Glad it works for you.

  17. I always believe that the colour of our clothes and body's temperature will attract the mozzies.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...