Monday, September 22, 2014

My Free Lunch From Suria FM

A lovely surprise in the office on a Monday morning...upon arriving to the office my colleague told me that we were given a free treat by Suria FM later in the morning.. "What... Suria?" Oh dear... I am really "outdated."  Only the FM word is familiar to me.... My daily channel each day is Lite N Easy and that's it... hahaha.... 

                                                Aha... she looks familiar to me...
yes, she is Adibah Noor...
 (shhh.... just asked my colleague a moment ago)
 Apa? Makan Free?  I also first time hearing it... 
According to my colleague, they give out free goodies and "makan" yearly..
 Serious?  Giving goodies?
 Seems it is true... one cup of Hot Drink and A Packet of something...
 So here we are.....
 Our Sweet Elin receiving her "goodies"....
Here's mine!
 This is the "goodies" but no, it is not mine..
It belongs to my colleague... his perseverence paid off..
 I only got this...
A hot drink and a packet of Nasi Lemak.... 
For my lunch... !


  1. Should have a quiz before being given anything, one of the DJs. Habis if like free makan liao. Hehehehehe!!!!

    1. You don't know Adibah Nor? nice her song - Terlalu Istimewa. She was formerly an English teacher.

    2. Oh is she the one who writes in the newspaper? I heard of the name but I don't know how she looks until today...

    3. Oh different... see, I told you I am really "out of local celebrities" news.. ask me HK TVB actors/actresses, and I can tell you their story.. hahahaa..

  2. That's nice to have free food delivery at work! So what's the occasion?

    1. No occasion, I heard from colleague that this is a yearly affair for Suria...

  3. When I saw this free drink, reminds me of my primary school days when the Milo van came to our school and give us free Milo drink.You mean in the goodies pack there are different types of stuff. Your friend got the mug whereas you get nasi lemak. They know you like to eat kot, so give you nasi lemak.

    1. hahaha.. no la.. the mug was given at a different time.. I was not there already... didn't lepak too long at the lobby... so no mug..

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, I like the mug too.. but too bad, it is not mine.. :)

  5. Your pose by the van is so cute! Free food and milo, better than none I guess.

    1. What is free is good? Well, at least it brightened up a Monday morning....

    2. Face reality.. yeah, not true.. but it is free and that is good for many..

  6. Don't care lah, free food, just sapu :D

  7. wow, so nice they have a truck driving into your office to distribute free lunch!! but probably for your industry only?? got nasi lemak bungkus also not bad lah.. and what did you mean by your colleague's perseverance got him such a nice mug??

    1. He waited and waited... anyway, many of us didn't know there were free mugs.. so after getting the food and drink, we went up.. :)

  8. Hahaha .....suria is a radio channel right ?

  9. It is good to see Elin, and your surprise lunch, looks good, Claire!

  10. Wah got free food, nice.. Who doesn't like free stuffs? haha.. Eh same here, but I more than you la, my radio channels are: FlyFM, MixFM, MyFM, OneFM and 988..Sometimes Lite&Easy.. Wah nasi lemak bungkus.. If got Milo van I lagi crazy, would queue up many rounds for that *shhhh*

    1. I believe you cos you are still at puberty age! hahahaa...

  11. Normally i see them giving away freebies. Wow..this time got free lunch, yumm!

  12. Suria links me to KLCC haha. Means to say you either didnt watch TV or only Astro and no local channels? Adibah got a few adverts the most popular one is the 'L' brand, Bananaz got problem recalling the word, moreover men never use one ..rings a bell with this ish ish ish?

    1. Oh.. didn't ring my bell la.. ish ish ish... now it is confirmed.. I am really outdated on this...

  13. I have no idea who's that celebrity also haha, i guess free lunch does exist eh? :D

  14. Wonder do they come to Taiping? haha xD

    1. hahahaa.. of course ..only have to wait patiently..

  15. Other radio station also got right? Zoomers or something. But not as nice as yours lah, come right to your doorstep. :P

    They'd announce where they're heading then whoever wants stuff, just head there also. Hihihi

    I got bump into them a few times but shy to join.

    1. oh ic.. i really dont know.. i guess it is part of their allocation yearly..

  16. Ok lah. Free food and drink. Cannot complain much. Suria is the BM radio station. I dont listen to it either. Usually I listen to and Lite N Easy but in Sibu, I have to content by listen to Traxx fm

    1. I only switched on the radio when in the car.. other than that, none..

  17. You are so cute and your photos tickled my ribs!
    I see this Adibah Nor everyday as her biggest face is on the giant billboard now outside my housing area. She holds an umbrella and do selfie!! LOL

    I always won't hesitate to join any roadside promos to grab freebies! That's because I am in advertising line and need to give support to anyone.


Thank you, readers!

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