Thursday, October 2, 2014

Besame Mucho Means Kiss Me......................

There were three questions given by Mr. Lee after he serenaded his first song through the saxophone... The second song he gave was a Spanish song.  The title of the song is Besame Mucho.....but the question he asked was... "Where does this singer came from?"  or something like that... and the answer was Mexician.. the singer is a Mexican.....

The second question was "The composer is a man or woman?" When my pastor shouted the answer "man" from his table, I quickly stood up from my table and answered "woman"... hahahaha...So daring hor

After all, No need to crack my head.. either the answer would be a man or a woman... and that was how I won the Gift.....
I'm advertising for Cold-Gate again....
My sister who was with me could not resist not opening the box....
I was so delighted when I saw this.... 
Something that I need too...
Especially it has some connections with Food!
Just nice for or two persons... 
It came with a plate too....
I have already cleaned it up...
And it is safely in my car....
Now I can buy back food and keeping them warm with this...
At the same... be environmental friendly too!

Oh, by the way, the third question was... "What does the Spanish title song means?"  It was a love song and I thought of guessing..."Kiss Me Goodbye?"....  I didn't stand up, of course, I just mumbled the answer to myself.... hahahaha.....

Well, I got two words correct though....cos  the answer was.... "Kiss Me Much"
Serious.. no joke! 


  1. U are lucky, usually i am not lucky, hehe...

  2. Nice gift, convenient & handy. You are one lucky lady.

  3. Yes, this is a good container. I have one like this too. Let me find the link and show you here.

  4. This is my container, looks like yours or not?

    1. Oh yeah... I remember... yes, your apple!! hahaha..

  5. I have something similar too, for the tapao-ing business. Although for me, it is not about being environmental friendly. The container is big, so it can sometimes trick the hawker into giving me more food :D

    1. Like that also can? The hawker measures with his palms if it comes to noodles.. but of course, if rice or what, yeah, some tend to put more and also charge a bit more too... :)

  6. wah, guess the lucky stars were all above your head that night!! lucky you to have won the prize, indeed a very nice and practical and useful prize!! I would love to have that too.. like you said, can tabao and keep the food warm, at the same time avoid using the plastics or foams - environmentally friendly and healthier too!! :)

    1. Actually I have those tiffin carrier too... two and three... depending on what I buy... now I chuck this in the car.. so no excuse that I forget each time I tar pau my food.. .

  7. This is a very very nice prize! And perfect for you, Claire! Now when you go out to eat and cannot finish the food, you can take it home in this. It is also very pretty and modern. Good foe picnics and taking to church meals, too.

    1. Yes, Ginny... you know I am a small eater...yeah, can packet back to heat up for the next day too! :)

  8. Oooo...lovely prize!!! Would be so handy to tapao food for my girl to bring back to her school. would not want to hear my version of "Besame mucho", I'm sure. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

  9. Wah, lucky girl you! Won a stainless-steel lunch box.. Nice.. Yep, can tapau food inside and keep warm too.. Very "wan pou" too.. I like.. I bring my own tumbler and tapau soya bean too, the one from the van, fresh..

    1. Maybe this evening I will hoi cheong.. hahaha.. most probably buy chap farn.. :)

  10. wah you so daring ya ...good for you

  11. Wow....won a prize huh ? Lucky aunty !!

  12. Aha! So now we know what would make a perfect gift for you. If it's related to food, right? :)

  13. lucky u to get a prize that can be utilized...U just officially joined as the club member and already won something! good start.

    1. hahahaa.. senior citizens club! Yeah.. good start to new beginning.. hahaha...

  14. That is a very nice gift! I have seen a lady carrying it to buy food. Very cute container. Better than using the styrofoam box.

    1. Yes, very practical for me.. since I don't cook much, I will be utilizing it more often...

  15. Wow! I also won a prize in my blog! You no come visit me ka?
    I have the same container like yours and it is really useful. This is a good quality prize and not cheap lah.
    Yes, yes, congratulations to Miss Colgate Advertisement!!!

    1. *Bow... bow* Thank you TM.... I want to render my appreciation to Mr. Lee for sponsoring the gifts.. and thank you all for your kind words....

      hahahaha... TM, sama dengan your post or not?

  16. Lol! You are so daring yet funny. Congrats on winning a prize.

    I have this lunch container at home. I call it apple container because it looks like one. Used it once for hubby's takeaway.

    1. Wanna win got to be daring.. hahaa... Now you and Mun commented that it looked like an apple, then I will call it my Apple babe... :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...