Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Am Diagnosed With Lumbar Spondylosis

Finally I pushed my "butt" up and went to hospital to seek medical treatment from an orthopedist... my back is still paining whenever I get up in the morning, whenever I lean forward to take something or bend down...

That was what I complained to the doctor when he asked what was the problem with me.  Then he made me lie down and put my legs up high one by one.. "hammered" my knee... reflexes still alright, I guess cos my legs jerked forward....

The next thing I knew for sure... was to the X-Ray department.... again!   The last time I went was in May this year.  Sigh.... That was when I fell down and hurt my right side of my back and now the left side is the problematic one....
So I landed up here.... 
And then here.... 
while waiting for the radiographer to usher me in for the scan....

Fast forward......
X-Ray showed that I have Lumbar Spondylosis...
(Didn't know what this was till I googled it when I came home) 
Caused by heavy loads and sitting too long... 
Doctor didn't tell me much... he looked like a very busy man...
He mentioned wear and tear of my bone...
Wanted to ask him further but he ushered me to the treatment room
Whereby the nurse taught me how to do some exercises....
Besides some medication, I went to the pharmacy to buy this....
From the front.... 
And the rear.... they are metal platelets... 
To support the spine and whatever lumbar....
Before anyone asks...
I confess that the above two images are not my body...
(though how I wish they are.... )
Before anyone asks...
I confess that the above two images are not my body...
(though how I wish they are.... )
In actual fact, this is how I look!

I have to wear this most of the time now.... 
I have to go back after a week.... 
Doc said "If still painful, then do an MRI"
Oh dear, so serious meh?
 I better pray it is not.... I don't think I wanna do that...... 
Meanwhile.... NO laksa or anything sour.....
Any advice, friends?


  1. u look 'yau yeng' with that 'support piece' (dunno what is it called). LOL still can smile when posing for camera an advertisement pulak.

    1. hahahaa.. no brand name... if they sponsor, then I will advertise.... hahaa..

  2. Be a good girl, listen to what the doctor says.

    Personally, I feel that western treatment heals from without...may suggest surgery or just a prescription of pain killers mostly. Any good acupuncturist there? Can go, relieving and does help - but do buy a set of your own needles though, don't share with other people. Or there may be some Chinese sinseh specialising in therapeutic massage? You come Sibu, I bring you to see.

    But of course, you must exercise and control your diet - no "cold" things. You go and see sinseh - lagi more things you cannot eat. Poor you! Take care, get well soon!

    1. P.S.:
      "...sitting too long..." Have to stop blogging liao lor. Don't go online all the time. :D.

    2. That is the saddest news.. no blogging! Maybe chiropathy will help.. I heard about it... acupuncture, I takut sangat.. but now after doing some bed exercises, it helps to loosen up a bit of the bones... Oh, talking about cold, I baru took some cold drinks.. sigh...

  3. Oh dear. Hope you'll get better soon.

    Let's walk? :)

    1. JOM!!! Walk no problem.. don't ask me to run and jump... hahaha...

  4. Oh dear, sorry to hear that. Hope nothing serious. Take care & get well soon.

  5. Better listen to doc. MRI is no fun thing to go through.

  6. Wah canggih name.. I think I have to google it too to find out the meaning.. Ohh that strap thingy looks like something for the hunch back.. I wanted to get something like that too, coz I got hunch back one wor.. Looks well supported.. hehe..

    1. When your kids are bigger, then no more hunch..cos now u got to carry them, right?

  7. oh dear, the name sounds deep to me but still wish you a speedy recovery and hope you are fine.. errr, luckily those stuffs i sent you (your colleague already received on your behalf if you are not aware) are not sour ones~~ :p

    1. hahaha...thank you so much, SK!!! A Nice Surprise this morning when I reached the office!

  8. Oh dear, no more makan-makan with reckless abandon lo. There's a singseh that specialize in western/acupuncture in Ipoh, my mom visited her a few times already. Wait I go back this weekend, I get her contact details for you if you want.

    1. Hey THANK YOU, REALGUNNERS! I sure need that... more suggestions are most welcome!

  9. When I had mine checked in Jan. this is part of what the report said, At the L4-L5 level, there is a grade 1 spondylolisthesis of L4 with respect to L5 and in associated bulge of the intervertebral disc causing impingement on the ventral aspect of the thecal sac and nerve roots bilaterally. I have no idea what it means. I know I'm in pain all the time. Bending makes it worse, so does sweeping with a broom and running the electric vacuum. Standing long periods or sitting long periods, when I sit, my left butt cheek, the bone in it really hurts, no matter if I'm sitting on something soft or not, it still hurts. I did finally break down and went to a doctor in May, they were to do an injection into the spine, but my blood was still too thin, I had been off the medication for five days ( my blood thinner), so instead of doing what they had planned, he gave me what they call a trigger injection. It felt wonderful for about 10 days. I think I need to go back for another one.

    1. But I think injections are not can only relieve for awhile... I heard they might be steroids and in the long run, it will harden up the nerves in our body.... Yes, dont sit too long or stand too walk.. now we have to be more active... cannot be too stationary at one time...

  10. I found this piece of info online:

    "Finally, patients who have evidence of spondylosis on an MRI or a CT scan should not assume that their pain is being caused by the degeneration. Spinal degeneration is a natural part of aging, and the patient’s pain may or may not be caused by it."

    so my advice is get a specialist advice to look into this if the pain does not go away after a week and not this busy doctor who is too busy to talk to you more.

    1. Thanks for the info, Mun..I m still trying to find out more information about this so that I can take some precautions.. I will try to avoid MRI if possible..

  11. No disco, no break dance, no are grounded.

  12. So sorry to hear that Claire, hope you are doing good. Maybe try to have a short walk at the park on evening? :)

    1. Yes, I do that most evenings in fact... and also must do some stretching exercise to straighten back the back.. hahaa..

  13. Wah ....better take care. You need some exercise la.... do it at least 4 times a week. Meanwhile, recuperate first.

    1. Yes, Bro... and use a cane when walking... slow walk...

  14. Awww, sweet Claire. I am so sorry! To me, you are too tiny to get a back problem. Do you have to wear this brace all the time? I looked it up and they say medicine is for cases that are new, and not advanced, so you will be improving. I know you will also get better when you retire, because you will not be sitting all the time.

    1. Yes, I blame it on my work in the office.. that consumes a lot of time and concentration that I forgot to take care of myself.. sigh...

  15. Oh dear, degeneration of the spine. I suffered from a slipped disc last year (very painful!) and when the x-ray came out, doctor pointed out that I also have a high degree of degeneration in my spine. Mine is due to high impact exercise when I was younger and also this is a genetic problem. I was advised to do exercise to strengthen my back and also no heavy lifting. Also no bending at awkward angles and don't sit too long. Every 30 minutes or so, get up and walk. From now on, you and I must be very mindful of our backs!

    1. Thank you for the reminder again, PH!! Yes, indeed we must get up.. the problem is I didn't for so many years already.. always glued to the pc while working.. ahem....

  16. cham..sound serious leh.....hope will get better soon. Errrr...drink milk can help gua?

    1. Don't know la... I also must google for more information.. but cannot sit too long...

  17. I don't think any food you eat will makes it worse. Just remember to have some light exercise that the doctor teach you that can help strengthen the muscles around the spine. I always tells my patient to use heat pack on area of injury to help blood circulation. Don't use ice ( that is only for first aid). Hope that helps. Get well soon!

  18. Eating food will not make your condition worse. Make sure you regularly do the light exercise that your doctor teaches you to help strengthen the back muscles. I always tell my patient to use heat pack on the area of injury to help improve blood circulation. Maybe you can try that too. Do not use ice (that is only for first aid).


Thank you, readers!

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