Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Methodist Senior Fellowship Annual Dinner And Performances

I attended the Methodist Senior Fellowship Annual dinner last night in my church.  It is a once-a-year affair and this year I am "officially" a member.  I can still remember I publish last year's annual dinner, it seemed like not too-long-ago only.  So.... it is already one year.... no wonder physically I feel the change in me....  :)

As in the previous year, my sister and I led the worship before the dinner started.  I recorded it down in my handphone and our worship was over in less than 8 minutes.  After our worship, Pastor said grace and our dinner started with the best dish of the night catered by Soo Kee and team...
Normally the first dish is the best... 
Everyone was famished by then... 
The Worship platform for the night... 
At least 20 over tables...
A very blurry picture but better than nothing... 
Something to remember...
I think I put up a picture of Uncle with the Lost Dalmatian last year... 
He really loves and dote on dogs!!
My lovely friends.... Loving couple!!
Another loving couple!!!
 Praise Dance....
I think I wanna join the group next year when I retire...
Sweet voice from lovely Irene...
 Lastly and not least, our own "Kenny G"
But he is no Kenny but Lee...
He performed and crooned a few songs...
And also sponsored three giveaways....
And I was one of the blessed ones to get one of them!


  1. What did you win? You did not sing? What song?

    No photos of all the dishes? 1st one looks impressive - how much one table like this there?

    So nice, all the happy faces. They don't mind guest-starring in your blog? I've had people asking me to remove before... :(

    1. ...just because they looked fat lah or they did not look nice lah...etc...etc...etc... Tsk! Tsk!

    2. Same with STP, i have fren who tell me, don't take picture of them, don't post in fb, haiz...

    3. understand la some wanna be low profile.

    4. I will post about what I have won tonight.. hahaha.. cannot squeeze in too many at one time.. Yes, told my friends that I will put up in my blog/fb.. :)

    5. Oh yeah.. about the price, each of us paid RM26 for this dinner... I think the rest is subsidized by the church...

  2. Time flies. In the blink of an eye, a year pass. Very unsual, no food post. What did you get for the giveaway? Our church also got praise dance but I didn't join.

    1. I think I will try out the praise dance if no bones creaking by then.. hahaha.

  3. I'm waiting for the next post already. You are going to blog about what you got, right? Right? Right??

    1. RG, for next post... otherwise nothing to write.. hahahaha..

  4. wah, the first photo already caught my attention lah!! and i agree with you, i always love the first dish the most, maybe i am hungry, and maybe also because i love variety, so this platter with a bit of everything sure would please me..

    eih.. Claire no perform singing with guitar meh??

    1. Yes, by then stomach extremely hungry! Not perform la.. led worship but no pictures were taken..

  5. wow.. that is a nice event to attend

  6. Where is your recorded clip? Do you mind sharing with us here? Nice fellowship annual but you are not a senior so why are you there?

    1. I have reached the age of 50 officially a senior citizen in my church..hahahaa..

  7. It all looks so wonderful, a big feast, good friends and entertainment. Maybe next year, YOU will be the one up on the stage!

  8. The dishes looks delicious.. :) Thanks god that you got the giveaway! Maybe its your luck this time.. ;)

    1. I am blessed by answering just a simple question..

  9. Wah the first dish very nice wor, looks so full, very hou liew.. Normally in restaurants or wedding dinners, the first dish not so full one, like got gap in between, everything little bit only.. Wah this one looks very full of liew.. Sedap la..

    1. Catered ones... cos have to accommodate 10 people.. ok la.. not too bad...

  10. What did you win?

    I love the first dish. So much food in that plate.

    I been to one organised by my church in Kuching. A Xmas party. It was fun and the food was awesome.

    1. Where there is food and good company, it is all FUN.. :)

  11. Curious what did you win...

    I always loves the first dish, hehe...

    1. A simple gift.. will post up tonight..

    2. Can't wait to see what you won! :)

    3. hahahaa.. a very nice and practical for me.... not so in terms of money..

  12. wei wei...where is the recording of the 8 mins? tarak upload geh

  13. Not bad.... my church msg also.very active. I guess I joined them when i'm qualified later...hahha. ..

  14. Did you sing? You can sing well right? :D

    1. I can sing but not so well... anyone can sing.. :)

  15. Nice gathering! That first course looks so good lah. So, you got sing any songs kah?

    1. Yes, I agree with you.. nice gathering and good food.. and great songs sung!

  16. so much good food and entertainment! and lotsa 'senior' friends, haha!

  17. So lau juak!! Yummy food, good friends and sweet music! That's a happy gathering for everyone.
    I agree that the first dish is always the best & appetizing like finger food. By the 6-7th dishes, the fatty noodles or fried rice will be followed by sweet desserts! I would be bloated by then.


Thank you, readers!

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