Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Bones Density And Cholesterol Test

One pharmacy in old town called me up stating that there would be a free Bone Density Test and Cholesterol Test held in their shop on Tuesday, just a couple of days ago.  Since it is free of charge, I went to get the tests done.  No long queues surprisingly cos I went in the afternoon after taking lunch and all.  Not so accurate no doubt but with lunch and all, I was expecting my cholesterol level to be on the "high" side.
Firstly, I was instructed to put my right leg on a machine... 
The result came out like this....  at the -0.9 level but still on the green side.... 
Borderline no doubt... but at my age, it is not surprising at all....
Two of my colleagues were at the yellow and red respectively...
One of them bought calcium magnesium after that...
Then came my cholesterol level...
During the past two years, I was at the 6.1 and 6.2 level respectively.
But this year my level showed 5.68 (at another clinic few months back)
and now 5.52 at this pharmacy.....
Good eh??? 
It has reduced....
Maybe my daily drinking of BG22 Oats help to reduce my cholesterol level...
Or perhaps my light lunch also helps... ??
Whatever it is, I also must need to maintain...


  1. Congrats on both the readings. Do exercises that will increase your bone density.

    1. Yes, and eat those which contributes to the bones too... vegetables mostly...

  2. So now you got license to continue makan-makan :D

  3. Well done! MY cholesterol was always high but lately it was under control and even went until 4.5 , thanks to Amway products - Cholesterol Balance and Salmon Oil. My wifey also went down. Thought of sharing with you since they are good. Of course, my 5 times a week exercise and diet also helps.

  4. I also going for my blood test next year, to check sugar level and cholesterol level

  5. Great Claire! A good rating even though you had just eaten!

  6. Oohh I've done a bone density test before.. I remembered that few months I was having a lot of yogurt and Anlene milk, coz I was trying to conceive so I took a lot of hi calcium food.. And that bone density reading is very accurate, I got the highest reading among my colleagues.. So yeah, I guess those yogurt and Anlene milk really have a lot of calcium in them, hehe..

    1. Oh really.. now I am also taking yogurt.. alternate nights !

  7. Good for you! Your body metabolism's good...can handle well. Now can start feasting liao! :D

    1. Oh my metabolism has slowed down tremendously.. but I hope with the supplements I take, it helps to lower down too...

  8. Yes. Glad the result was alright. Lets be healthy

  9. That's great results! Keep up the good work!!

  10. oh that's a nice result from the screening!! your cholesterol drops even after you just had lunch, wow, that's a good things.. you makan here and there a lot and guess the oat you have daily kind of helps a lot~~ :)

    1. Yes, the BG or the instant oats after my morning meal ...

  11. Congratulations! that was a good reading! keep it up! *i feel like a class teacher, lol*

  12. Good to hear that the result is alright...

  13. Claire, must take calcium supplements since you are borderline. Good that your cholesterol is dropping. Mine I don't know cos dare not check ha..ha...

    1. Yeah, everything seems to be borderline when reaching this age.. hahahaa... better to check.. then we know what to and what not to eat...

  14. how do u maintain a good cholesterol level? I envy u la...after lunch still can get good result

    1. Maybe my lunch has lowered down the cholesterol? :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...