Friday, November 7, 2014

Fish Noodles Dozed With Wine

There are a few places where I would love to have my first meal of the day... One of them is this corner coffeeshop in First Garden.  
This shop is normally crowded in the morning, best time to go is around 8am till 9.30am, anything later than that, we will not get to eat their famous Fish Noodles in wine soup....  To eat this, one has to wait for some 20 minutes or so... good food always have to test our patience, right?
This is no ordinary soup noodles... 
The soup is "dozed" with lots of wine....
 What I normally do is... 
To call my ex-colleague who is staying around that area...
Then ... just tell her how many of us are coming...
And she will go to the shop and pre-ordered the number of bowls...
By the time we reach the shop, the noodles are ready for us!!
This is called Fast And Furious!


  1. So convenient! I would prefer to order upon arrival though - if held up for some reason, by the time I arrive - cold already.

    One beef noodle shop near my house too - best to go around 7 or 8...because a bit later, the place would be packed - hard to park the car, they're all over the place and worse still, the lady would be in a grumpy mood and may scold people. By 10, all sold out - no more. I would just go elsewhere if I can't go early before the crowd comes in.

    1. Very convenient... we are used to it.. my ex colleague will estimate.. she is good at that... normally we don't have to wait long...

  2. Owh, the fish noodles really looks good and I won't mind waiting for 20 minutes or so. 1st time heard can pre-ordered the noodles.

    1. Only through my ex-colleague.. she stays around there...

  3. Err... those fish looks like a lot of bones, I think I'll pass =.="

    1. hahaha... normally guys are very scared of bones...

  4. I love to have this in the morning!!!

  5. What a clever strategy. I believe I will like eating this fish noodle.

  6. It does look very delicious. Makes us feel good without drinking a bottle of wine! I do not know which I would prefer...sleeping late or great food! I rarely est breakfast out because I like to sleep late. I am a night owl!

    1. Me too... like to sleep late and wake up late too!

  7. Half half.. I LOVE fish noodles overdosed with milk, dislike the wine.. A bit is alright but more than a teaspoon, don't like already..Wah the bowl of fish and soup look so good la, I'm imagining it without the wine though, hehe..

    1. Oh, I dont like milk... never had... some say it taste very nice!

  8. oh, this is something different from the usual fish head noodles huh?? wait, you said it's "fish noodles" and didn't say it's "fish head noodles" hor?? sure not the same thing lah, haha.. looks good, but i don't really fancy chinese wine in cooking, haha, can opt for one without wine ke??

    1. No head.. just fish flesh... head is very hard to eat.. with all the bones and stuff...

  9. Food doused with wine is always so fragrant and yummy! I like to put lots too when I cook ginger chicken even though I am not in confinement LOL!

    1. hahaha.. yes, should be doused.. not dozed??? hahahaa.. thanks for the tip!


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