Monday, November 3, 2014

Haunted Hotels for Halloween

Halloween is here again, the night when ghosts and other beings roam the Earth while people dress up and head from house to house in search of candy. In some places, ghosts never leave: plenty of castles, hotels and inns claim to have their own ghosts. If you ever wanted to stay at a haunted hotel, now is the ideal chance to do it.

Langham Hotel (London, UK)
Located in the center of London, this grand hotel is renown for its services and for its ghosts. Some famous names, including Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde, have stayed at this hotel together with the ghost of a German prince who fell to his death from one of the hotel windows. Another visitor who never left the hotel is a mysterious man dressed in Victorian attire. Guests who stayed in room 333 claim to have seen floating orbs and non-corporeal entities floating over them, and more than one guest has fled to the safety of other rooms.

Castle Stuart (Inverness, Scotland)
This ancient castle was turned into a hotel... and the ghosts who haunted the castle decided to stay there. The East Tower is known for its ghostly sightings, which include a variety of spirits.  But I love the one which I stayed here in Edinburgh, very comfortable and nice!

Stanley hotel (Colorado, USA)
This palatial hotel can be found near the mountains of the state of Colorado. This hotel is one of the most popular places for those who want to see a ghost: there have been sightings of the hotel owner and his wife, several housekeepers and a variety of unknown spirits floating around the hotel. One of the most famous visitors was Stephen King, who, after a creepy stay in room 217 wrote The Shining. The banquet hall is a notorious haunted spot, where a musically-inclined ghost plays the piano. Steps of running children can be heard on one of the upper floors, and there have been reports of moving objects in room 418,

Hotel Chelsea (NY, USA)
Findingaccommodation in NY is not easy... and some hotels come with their very own ghost stories! Celebrities once flocked to this red brick building, crowned by a neon sign in NY. Some famous names on the guest list include Jackson Pollock, Madonna and Leonard Cohen. Some guests decided not to leave: room 206 is still haunted by Dylan Thomas, an author who died there. The elevator and one of the halls are common areas where the spirits of Sid Vicious and his girlfriend Nancy, whom the bassist allegedly assassinated before his own overdose, can be seen.

Gettysburg Hotel (Pennsylvania, USA)
This creepy mansion used to be an inn... and some people who used to frequent the inn decided to stay there. Guests have claimed that several wounded soldiers and the ghost of a young girl who died during the Civil War can be seen wandering around.

Russell Hotel (Sydney, Australia)
This hotel is located in The Rocks, a neighbourhood in Sydney. It location close to the docks means that previously, it was the place where sailors went for some nightly entertainment... and now the hotel houses several ghosts of crime members, ladies of the night and sailors.

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