Monday, November 17, 2014

Homemade Salmon Tomato Fried Rice

My girl and I had planned to go for Korean food yesterday evening but our plans were dashed at the last minute.  The weather was the "reason"... all of a sudden, there was lightning and thunder and heavy downpour after that.  Initially we wanted to wait for the rain to stop but apparently, it did not, it continued to pour like cats and dogs... and by then it was almost 7.30pm... I was super hungry by then....

That was it!  I couldn't wait any longer and I didn't want us to get wet in the rain just because of food...  I told my girl... "Let's cook!"

Quickly I took out what I needed from the fridge... One Tomato, One Salted Egg, Two eggs, Garlic and lastly, One piece of Salmon.  
I remember seeing many posted this up in FB...
Tomato in rice.... I put in the salted egg yolk too....
And within half hour, our dinner was READY!!
Our Salmon Fried Rice.... 
Just like what we took in East Sushi...
Oh, not that I forgot to mash up the tomato...
My girl doesn't like it to be mixed with the rice.... 
So ... I put it by the side.... 
On second thoughts, I "raised" it up....
 And it was so heavy that the rice came tumbling down....
Reminded me of Humpty Dumpty...
 Tumbling down or not...
We finished our Fulfilling Meal.....
Full and Filling to the Brim!


  1. eih!! very nice!! i want to try to cook this also!! looks simple (errr, looks simple but in reality it can be challenging for me, and i probably will ruin everything under my hands, muahahahaha!!).. i love that tomato, so tender so soft, so SEXY~~ :p

    1. hahahaa... Enticing is it? But I still prefer sexy tomato.. hahaa..

  2. Your fried rice looks nice. Yeah, saw a lot of people posted this tomato in rice on fb. Now in trend. Yet to try.

    1. Yes, trendy... said from Taiwan... anyway, I like to eat cooked tomatoes than raw ones...

  3. After the rice is done cooking, you fried it also? Don't like cooked salmon, if I cook this I would replace salmon with b - - - n ;)

  4. looks good! luckily u have food and enuff ingredients in the fridge, else gotta wait til rain stops! Thanks to the weather else ReanaClaire dun get the chance to cook for her daughter...

    1. Otherwise Korean food and will burn a hole in my pocket.. hahaha..

  5. This tomato rice thingy is going viral now!

  6. You're right, it's all over FB lately! I was just wondering what's the fuss about & now I see you making it too. Hahaha! Nice lah!

    1. So...if we cant beat them, we join them!! hahaha..

  7. The fried rice looks good but the tomato on the fried rice ..... err .. forget it. :P

  8. Very tasty dinner. Salmon and fried rice = my favourite!

  9. Seems to be the trend, that tomato rice, lots of people doing it. I like the Malay-style tomato rice, maybe I can try this too.

    1. I prefer this style.. but add in bacon or seafood, Elin said..

  10. My FB also flooded with this tomato rice thingy.. Does it really make the cooked rice more fragrant ahh? Maybe I'll be trying too, to join the crowd.. hehe..

  11. I have been seeing this tomato rice all over the place and you also kena the fever hah..hah... Even though you didn't mix in the tomato, your rice looks good lah! Definitely better that the salad I am having right now LOL!

    1. hahaha... eat salad only meh? So healthy... good de!

  12. Ohh...yummy. U also have tried the famous tomato rice.hahha. I want to try it some day too.


Thank you, readers!

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