Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kuala Kurau Salted Eggs

Last Thursday we "attacked" the northern region, we went to Kerian in the morning and Taiping in the afternoon.  The five of us set out again in the early morning, reaching Kerian at around 9.30am...
The historic landmark in Parit Buntar, Kerian....
After this turning, we reached our district office.... 
The district office...
Another beautiful indoor landscape right in the middle of two buildings..
Spent the whole morning in this office doing some work....
After lunch, we proceeded to Kuala Kurau....
Famous for their salted fish... lots seen drying on the sidewalks....
And famous for Salted Eggs as well.....
Salted eggs that come with grading......
Some educational knowledge here...
The mud that is being used to "preserve" the duck eggs....
And the black burnt barley seeds/leaves (not so sure) that is used to wrap up the mud.... 
Since this is a factory, the salted eggs should be very fresh.....
But I didn't buy any.....
Instead I bought dried prawns instead... 
They look very fresh!
In the afternoon, we drove on to Taiping...
We spent some hours there slogging again....
And finally it is all done....
Just look at my hair...
From natural back to yellow?  Or is it white??
I am indeed growing old.... gracefully, I hope....


  1. I love travelling by car, can enjoy seeing the beautiful scenery but on the other hand, it can be tiring. The dried prawns looks very fresh. I think it's the lighting that makes your hair looks yellowish.

    1. You are very smart.. Irene... it is indeed the lighting.. :)

  2. Oh Parit Buntar, not that far from Penang! I've also written a food guide on PB before!

  3. wah, so happy leh.. Claire you macam singers making tour only, from one place to another!! hahaha.. eih, i wonder if you are reusing Photo #3?? because it looks like the Teluk Intan office leh, or maybe your company hire the same designer and all buildings are the same with similar landscaping??

    1. No, not reusing cos the district office all used the same architectural design.. hahaha.. all indoor garden in the middle and Teluk Intan one got fish.. this one only greens.. :)

  4. Working and visiting salted egg factory, interesting, takes away all the stress...

  5. Wahhhh!!!! Looking younger and younger. RM10 a big packet, so cheap! Haiyar! Why didn't buy salted eggs? Bets lah fresh ones. The ones in the shops, dunno how old already. :(

  6. Wah nice travel around while working. How ? Auditing them ah?

  7. The salted egg makes me think of STP fried rice which he post recently, hehe...

  8. I thought selling salted duck egg is a Cantonese saying for something horrible. Cham la, when the kids kena asked, "What's your dad's occupation?" :D

    1. Well, they have to be sold by someone right?

    2. hahaha... Mai Ngam Tan! I wonder why it relates to passing away.. not so logic hor..

  9. I was just about to ask the same question as ChrisAu - are you all auditing the schools?

  10. Your hair looks good, it looks like you had it streaked. Many pay lots of big money here to have it done every couple months. We do not have salted eggs here, wish I could taste one...I love both eggs and salt!

    1. I am sure you will like it.. kind of different from normal eggs..

  11. Uiikks, surprise wor, didnt buy any salted eggs there? Thought you will borong buy a whole carton, coz if me, I would! I like salted eggs, I know they are not good, but I really can't go without the salted eggs if I'm cooking pork&oyster porridge..

    1. No la.. I cannot eat so much eggs.. got to distribute them away...

  12. What? You are old? No, no, no. You look younger and nice hair colour. ;)

    I just bought a couple of salted eggs this morning. Feel like having porridge for dinner today.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Thanks for the look into the behind the scenes of salted eggs. I

  15. wei...dried prawns so many gm?...look good leh.

    they packed the duck eggs so nice . any idea how much ...if cheap i sure borong . LOL

    1. 200gm only... fresh la.. so I bought... er.. Gred A eggs..70 sen each.. cheap or not?

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. So nice, get to jalan jalan here and there! =)

  18. nice to visit places and see things..

  19. your hair still looks good, very 'yau yeng' (stylo) coz of the color tone ;-)

    1. I think the camera lighting.. and lots of grey hair coming out...

  20. Wow. Are those real mud or man-made mud?

  21. Looks like it is fun doing work outside, hor? Should have bought the salted eggs as well :)

    1. I have 4 in the fridge..... so I let it pass....


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...