Saturday, November 8, 2014

My One Wok Cooked With Come On, Cousin

This morning around 11am, my ex-colleague came to my house with anticipation and excitement... yes, it was kind of a project for her, she is going to have her own BLOG!  Something new and exciting for her and I am looking forward to giving her some "lessons" on blogging... ahemmmm... hahahaa..... Within one hour or so, her Blog is born... and her first post is here.

Her niche is gardening and she brought me some of her organic homegrown "long beans"....
They are purplish in colour....
And I cut them into these sizes....
Bought two chicken drumsticks and marinated one of them for my dinner.....
Put in some scallops too....
While the rice was being cooked, I quickly sauteed the chicken with lots of garlic...
And dumped everything into the rice cooker when the rice is almost cooked...
Soon the aromatic smell filled the house....
And this was what I got....
My One Wok Cooked Meal....
My meal is ready.... 
Oh.. one more minute.... 
Have to switch on the Astro....
And my meal was further enhanced....
Watching and Eating at the same time...


  1. Hmm....never know organic long bean is purple in colour. Actually 1st time saw it. How's the taste? I used to cook long beans rice. Usually I fried the long beans with dried prawns & mushroom till fragrant then put in the rice cooker to cook.

    1. I forgot about the dried prawns because I put in some scallops... yes, it would taste good with dried prawns too!

  2. Okay okay, I don't switch on Astro, I switch on Youtube :D

  3. We love eating in front of the T.V. and never eat at the table anymore. Unless we have company. You really cook good home cooking. I am headed to check out your friend's blog!!! I know how hard it can be getting followers when you are just starting.

  4. Eating and watching TV = bliss! So nice of you to help your friend blog.

  5. Yesterday we watched Come On Cousin at mil's too during dinner.. I don't have the AOD package in my Astro, but mil has.. So we only get to watch AOD on Saturdays (when we go for dinner).. I like your chicken rice with long beans, very healthy too..

  6. That's claypot a rice cooker. Nice! Congrats to your colleague, welcome to the club.

  7. Have drop by your ex-colleague blog, hehe...

  8. wow, yr rice looks so delicious!

    1. serious!! Ok la... for me, OK...for guests, I sure malu!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...