Monday, November 10, 2014

Reanaclaire Cooks - Arrowroots With Sausage

Woke up early on a Sunday morning and did some marketing. It has been a long time since I last carried a basketful of greens and meat in my hands. Now that my mom has passed on, there would be no home cooked food as often as those days. From now on, I have to start cooking more often if I do not want to eat out.   *Mother, I still miss you very much... *

Since it was a Sunday, I decided to boil some soup and one dish for dinner.  I bought one cut up pumpkin, some tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, big onions.... but when I came home, I realized that the pumpkin was missing.  Either the lady didn't put it together with the rest or I must have dropped it but I think that it must be the former.... the pumpkin was left out and I didn't want to drive all the way back for a RM1.40 pumpkin.
The poor pumpkin being left out in my ABC soup in the end.... 
Just carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, big onions, dry scallops and some crushed pepper...
Saw some Arrowroots sold in the market...
Bought 4 for RM1.20...
Sliced them up and arranged them like the above....
Then cut up a chinese sausage.... 
I added in some sugar and soy sauce.... (Like them sweet)
And  steamed it for 10 minutes or so.... 
Soon the soup was ready.......
And with these dishes, I "walloped" a big plate of rice....
Finished up all the arrowroots and sausage...
Gulped down 2 bowls of soup...
And a 29 inches Waist is Born!


  1. Oh my mom cooks that for CNY lol, arrowroots ain't too common now

    1. But they are being sold in the market now...that's why I bought...

  2. arrowroots only appear during CNY, quite hard to find now. Homecooked 2 bowl of soup + 1 dish + 2 plate of rice = priceless satisfaction!

  3. Arrowroot, the one they fry like chips? Missus planted some once. Not a fan of it that way and not something I am familiar with. I wonder what it tastes like cooked like this.

  4. Isn't arrowroots seasonal mostly during CNY or maybe I am wrong. I like it fried with chinese sausage too and that bowl of soup is nutritious.

    1. I haven't tried frying them before ... steaming yes, cos during CNY, my in laws do this...

  5. If you didn't mention it's arrowroots, i thought it's potatoes...

  6. ABC soup need pumpkin one meh?
    My mom used to cook that nga ku + lap cheong, but she stopped cooking it for quite awhile now. Usually we would wallop the lap cheong and left the nga ku for the parents :D

    1. Oh, I love the nga ku and not the lap cheong.. hahaha.. .yeah, oldies like the softer part I guess...Oh, if got pumpkin, then it is not ABC... but no pumpkin, I ended up boiling that..

  7. ABC soup good enough with just potatoes, tomatoes and onions lah, got pumpkins one meh?? your one then must be ABCD soup instead, hehe!! oh arrowroots with sausage, hmmm, never eaten this before, i only eat arrowroots chips during CNY, haha!!

    1. hehehee... Yeah, next time I add in pumpkin... actually soup ah, no say can or cannot.. just dump in.. it is still called soup!

  8. Congratulations on the meal you cooked. Looks like it turned out great. I would imagine if you live alone, it's hard to prepare meals, unless you freeze a lot and use later, which would also save a lot of cooking later. Have a great week. Cold here this morning. Today I'm going to make a large kettle of Beef Vegetable Soup, it seems the more it's warmed up as left overs, the better it taste. Since daughter and granddaughter that has lived with us for the past six years, moved out, it's harder to cook again for two.

    1. Yeah, so you understand my situation right! But eating out too often is also not healthy.. so I try to minimize the ingredients...

  9. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that she's not around anymore. Anyway , stay strong and do your own cooking ....:)

  10. Good to have home-cooked food. It's always delicious.

  11. Yummy! I love to see you cook, Claire! xoxo

  12. Hhhmmm I must try your way of putting pumpkin in your abc soup as I have never done so before. Hugs. You must be missing your mother very very much.

  13. Claire, I know you are a great cook! And now you will be the head of the family, and your mom would be so proud of you to see these dishes! I am following the blog of your friend Nancy, you really are such a big help to her!!

  14. ABC soup! I boil ABC soup almost every week, hehe.. I never get bored of soup.. I've never eaten ngaku like this.. Usually just fried ngaku during CNY.. Your ngaku and soup looks good and hoi wai, I can wallop 2 plates of rice also..

    1. hahahaa... I walloped one plate and I am so so full!!

  15. I bought a pumpkin too yesterday. Planned to cook it tomorrow.

    I never eat ngaku that way. My mum never cook it at home too.

    1. Only during CNY usually..but I saw them being sold on Sunday... surprised too..

  16. me not really keen on ngaku but i like cook the sausage with leek. that one yummy for me la. LOL

    1. I like ngaku.. but i didnt buy many.. just four.. :)

  17. eh so early can find ngaku meh?...seem price still very mahal la ...4 biji for rm1.4-. wait till nearer to CNY ..hehehe

    1. 1.20 for 4... so 30 sen one.. hahaha... wallop la.. dont care..

  18. Nga ku and lap cheong reminds of CNY. Next time I will try to add pumpkin to my ABC soup, probably it will taste sweeter.

  19. Looks like a good meal to me! That's why can wallop a big plate of rice :) The arrowroot slices look like potatoes.

    1. Yes, it surely does.. I must lessen my rice portion next time! hahaha

  20. This post really made me hungry! :) just hopped by..

  21. Hi Claire, Sorry to hear that your mum has passed on.
    Home cooking is always the best. Like the ABC soup.

  22. Looks like a very hearty warming homecooked food!!

  23. I dont usually add pumpkin into ABC soup so okay la tu. Just kesian dat little fella only. Dunno where it is now..

    1. hahaa.. no worries, the lady will re-sell it surely!

  24. Always make ABC soup but never added pumpkin before. Actually not a huge fan of pumpkin.

    Home cooked food always the comfort food despite the simplicity and no extra MSG.hahah

  25. Aiya, pumpkin got left behind. I've never tried arrowroot steamed before. Thanks for sharing!

  26. I actually had to google what arrowroots look like. :-) Simple recipe is the best for a home cook meal. Enjoy!

  27. I like homecook food... yum yum~
    I wondered how the arrowroots looks like before cutting into pieces, i always eat the arrowroots which is fried until crispy during Chinese New Year.

    1. Ok, next time when i buy them again, I let u see! :)


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