Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sit Back And Enjoy Sidewalk Ice Cream

There is only one dessert shop that lasted for twenty years here in Ipoh Garden. When my kids were very young, my husband and I used to take them to this ice cream shop called Sidewalk, just opposite the Ipoh Garden food court.  We like to go there especially after our dinner, just to relax and enjoy the sweet desserts....

Just recently we went there for the third time... the first two times, we did not manage to eat the ice cream for it was so crowded!  However on this third outing to Sidewalk, we stayed put...  we decided to Wait Patiently... after all, we were not rushing for time... no patience means we have to walk out again...  :)
I sat next to the small fountain well... 
There was an empty table next to us but it was soon occupied while waiting....
The ambience is still the same.... even it was more than 20 years...
I like the old style design...
It reminds me of the good old memories...
I think there is a nostalgic kind of feeling in this place...
A very natural pose.... intentionally put.....
My friend will "thrash" me when she sees this...
The half hour wait was very worth it!
I like this type of style.... really brings back those 1970s kind of feel!
This cost around RM11.90 or so...
And This Is.....
My Choice of Ice Cream!
Not expensive... less than RM13 or RM14....
This is what I called Ice Cream Galore!
The word "FAT" was not in my mind then.......
I just sat back and enjoyed it to the fullest......


  1. FAT? What's that? Is that a word? It must be the synonym for DELICIOUS :D

  2. I want too. Am an ice cream lover but take only in moderate. Looks great.

    1. It has been some time since I last took like this.. too..

  3. 我去Ipoh, 你带我去吃 ya, 嘻嘻。。。

  4. The ice cream must be really tasty for the shop to be standing strong for 20 years.

  5. Awesome, Claire! For me, ice-cream is a huge comfort food. Because I used to have it as a kid. Do you have ice-cream trucks that drives around and rings a bell? We all need some ice-cream once in awhile. OH, I would love to go with you!!!

    1. Wah ..bring me there ! I be back in Dec.

    2. Last time we used to have that, Ginny.. now no more... sigh...
      Chris, let's go!!

  6. i wanna indulge in ice-cream now!!!

  7. Wowwwww!!!!! Awesome looking ice cream!

  8. Oohhh I love ice creams! Wah need to wait for half hour? But I would wait too, since already there.. Now I want to have banana split too.. Sluurrrppppp..

  9. wow, I like, this shop really reminds me of the 80s (I didn't say 70s bcos when I started to be able to remember this world, it was already 80s, haha!!).. really such an ice-cream galore!! I see ice-cream and then I-scream!!! :D

    and of course FAT is not in your mind, because FAT is not in your body too!! hehe~~

    1. HEHEE...thanks for the consolation... now I can start planning to go there again one of these days!

  10. Lovely ice cream in a lovely place. I want one too. I want the ice cream in last picture.

  11. WOW! I like your choice of ice-cream. When eating ice-cream, don't think about fat. Just eat and enjoy :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...