Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Working Assignments In Tapah And Teluk Intan

A few of us started out our journey to the smaller districts again this morning, this time to Tapah, a forty five minutes drive from Ipoh.  From the highway, we detoured into the district and had our breakfast at a famous stall here.
Lots of varieties being displayed at such an early hour... 
 Famous for this... such a Giant Kuali...
Young banana shoots with beef curry... 
First time eating this with Roti Canai...
It has been a long time since I last taken this Roti Canai...
Unhealthy, no doubt.... but so nice that I couldn't resist it this morning...
Passed through the town and soon we reached the district office...
Spent some hours there working.... and soon it was lunch time...
I took a bit of rice with ginger fried chicken, fish and a piece of spicy brinjal....
Can see something peculiar here?
How come we were holding hands???
Well, I guess this is called teamwork...
After lunch, we proceeded another forty five minutes to Teluk Intan.... 
Passed through some nice padi fields....
Teluk Intan District.... 
Another beautiful landscape being maintained here......
Active Koi-s swimming here and there....
Soothing for the eyes when work is a pressure.... 
I wouldn't mind working here....
The greens are soothing to the eyes...

Another few hours of work and soon it was time to leave....
Going back to Ipoh took one and half hours drive....
Had a real nice snooze during the journey.... 
And reached home around 6.30pm.... 
Pheww.... What a Long Day.....


  1. road travels and working, must be very tired. I will let other people drive so i can sleep in the car....zzZZZ

    1. Yes, normally I will sleep... rest my weary mind and be energized later.. :)

  2. hehe.. this must the be assignment my friend told me about hehe.. :D

  3. opps.. I don't mean it for today, but last Fri hehe..

  4. I like the greens too especially the padi fields and you look stylo in the last pix.

  5. Good to know that I am not the only one who cannot resist delicious food :D

  6. Traveling for work is sure tiring but made bearable sometimes because of food! :P

  7. I don't think roti canai is unhealthy as say, fatty pork belly. Wow you sure look very smart in the 2020 photo.

  8. I would love to try the second dish, it looks great! And the garden is super! Are you counting the days till retirement?

  9. You look so smart and formal, nice.. Doesnt look like a working trip.. More like a makan trip.. Very relax.. Roti canai ok kua for breakfast, but dont take it everyday..

    1. Yeah, take it once a blue moon only.. very fattening geh..

  10. Lovely pose. I like it!!!

    Yay. Now can relax and semi-retire. ^^

  11. Batang pisang? The banana tree trunk or what? Sounds kind of obscene, if you ask me. Hehehehehe!!!! Maybe they mean the hati pisang - the flower, I think, that is.

    1. Aiyoh... seriously, got meh? Your mind needs cleansing.. hahaaa...

  12. wow, not bad huh?? you grab every opportunity of this "business trip" to cari good makan.. and that's your company in TI?? aiyoh so nice leh, like you say, at least pressure cut 20% looking at the landscaping.. haha!! :)

    1. No la.. not my company... if so, I don't need to wear specs liow.. hahaha..

  13. wah so hectic leh. Make sure drink more water ah. all this travelling makes people easy fall sick

  14. You look very smart in the last photo. And new hairdo eh? :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...